MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Janet McTeer's boobs - spoiler

Janet McTeer's boobs - spoiler

Were they her real boobs or were they fake? They were massive! .

Janet's so skinny, surely the boobs weren't hers. Anyone know?


Yes, they are all her.

(No, I don't know from personal experience.)


Wow, they're fine assets. Not bad for a woman of 50. Lovely boobs.


Yes, they are quite magnificent.

An amusing exchange between Ms. Close and Ms. McTeer at the 2011 Toronto IFF:


And it's the first time she's got them out on film.


Never in any film? I thought maybe there was a nude scene in The Intended. It's been too many years to remember. And she was sexy as hell in Songcatcher.


Yes, 'the girls' are no strangers to the movie camera.


She was topless in "Precious Bane " a wonderful BBC serial many years ago . I fell in love with her right then :-)


I wonder if she went home and cried that night after shooting the scene.


Why would she be crying?



I can see why they scared poor little Albert Nobbs. There was an otherwordly quality about them--like they were watching you!

I'd give anything to have boobs like that!


lol. yes i did see the look on albert nobbs face haha.

Why are you all wet, baby?


Those are not real, they are prosthetic. Notice the way they are displayed in the movie, not continuous with the neck, they never move, they are perfectly symmetric, they have no natural flaws. They look too perfect to be natural. They are not the product of breast augmentation. The prosthetist is given acknowledgment early in the credits, after the cast.

Harry Lime


If you want to go on believing that those magnificent bosoms are not real, your loss.

Julie the Jarhead


It's not my loss and it's not a belief. Let me just say I'm in the business, without getting into specifics, and I know of what I speak. I am convinced they are a prosthetic. I just presented you with the evidence, why the insistance that they are real?

Harry Lime


With all due respect to your "evidence," ristowge...

1. McTeer spoke in many interviews about that scene and the power of baring her breasts in the non-sexual context of the film's story.
2. Although still slightly corseted and compressed, they most certainly do move.
3. The scarf creates a visually comic effect, making the breasts appear even more disconnected and incongruous from the "man" surrounding them.
4. The prosthetics referred to in the credits were facial appliances on Close and McTeer: //
5. McTeer is known for her big, um... curves:
6. She's bared those same breasts before:

Everything you see is the glorious Janet McTeer!


But ristowge is all-knowing, and we all must bow to his superior knowledge.


When all is said and done, they are real and they are magnificent.


Maybe I should have used the term augmented rather than prosthetic.

I find it simply implausible to believe are her natural breasts, with no enhancement. These on a 51 year old, 6'1" actress. A non-scientific survey of 9 cosmetic surgeons, 3 female, 6 male, agreed they are either a good prosthetic or most likely augmented. This augmentation would explain the slight movement and the symmetry and the integrity of the ligaments at this age. She could still call them hers.

Helen Mirren is an example of an older actor with large breasts, but they look just like they should on an over 60 actress, with the effects of age, gravity, hormones, and maybe having children.

Another point, why did the director go all the 'tricks' that would be done to conceal prosthetic breasts. I think I would have put other angles, shots, more movement. It can't do anything but generate disbelief, the way is was done. Maybe the director wanted to avoid exploitative shots and leave the question open.
Afraid I don't see the comic element of the scarf.
What is more, I find it astonishingly rude that the people who reply to a simple comment find it necessary to end with the demeaning, snarky comments about BluRay, glasses,condescention, etc.It this now the accepted discourse on these sites? Would you do the same thing if it were not anonymous? I hope my comments never come across like yours do.
Maybe like "Tempest in a C-cup" or "The woman doth protest too much"?

Harry Lime


Agreed, ristowge — what I intended to be teasing snarkiness came across as meanness. Original post reworded. Cheers!


I don't see what her height has to do with anything. What causes saggyness is pregnancy (not breastfeeding), exercise without proper support, and wearing bras that don't fit well.

I work as a bra fitter.


Sagging is mainly due to a. age, b. pregnancies, c. gravity, d. rapid and extreme weight loss. Exercise can help a little, but only to firm the pectoral muscles. Exercise doesn't help Cooper's ligaments, they are key to droop.

Harry Lime


The credit says "Prosthetic Application and Key Make-up". That could just be for Glenn Close's makeup, because she she has quite a bit of prosthetics on her face.

Well, it wasn’t a lie. It was ineptitude with insufficient cover.


Come on now, have you seen such credits just for makeup? This level of attribution is given when there are major prosthetics used.

Harry Lime


YES those were hers and they were real. I watched a move she was in ("Tumbleweeds") and on the audio commentary the guy talked about them. They are real. And they are ample. Janet got the Golden GLobe for the movie and it was very good. I recommend seeing it. I am looking for other movies she was in. She is a good actress...


Songcatcher. Into The Storm. And -- my fav -- Daphne. Her Gertrude Lawrence is in-effin'-credible!

"I can't bear labels."
~ Janet McTeer


OK. I will look for Songcatcher and Daphne. Did you see Tumbleweeds? She got nommed for an Oscar and deserved it. Too bad so few people saw the movie. Janet has a lot of talent for different kind of roles. I have Into the Storm DVD as I bought it when a BLockbuster went out of business.


That's a spoiler? If you couldn't tell that was a woman from the first scene she's in, you're blind... and kind of hurts the story that Dobbs couldn't figure it out immediately.


Those are fine boobs. I like them. Nice size. Not too big, not too small.........I hope they are real, though.


Yes, they were hers and they were magnificent.


I had to stop and stare at them and I'm gay. They were just so damn big and the presentation of them was just so frank and none to do.

