Why the film sucks

It has nothing to do with the performances of Janet McTeer and Glenn Close, it's the fact that it drags heavily. Parts of it were very boring.


but its way, way a lot better than The Iron Lady! :D


Oh yes! I watched Iron Lady yesterday, and was extremely sad to declare this the worst ever Meryl Streep film. What a horrible wretched female Thatcher is, and the book the film is based on seems absolutely dreadful.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


I agree with first post. I think McTeer's and Close's performance were quite decent (actually, I think everyone's performance was decent - no complaints from my behalf in that alley). The wardrobes and settings were also nice but the movie was just way too monotonous for my taste. Too much time between the lines were delivered, scenes that didn't have much meaning, poor light, no high peak whatsoever - it was a drag (pun intended)... I rated a 4/10

This is merely my opinion. No hard feelings towards those who appreciated it. ;-)


I love movies like this.

They aren't about plot, but about characters.

And they ask uncomfortable questions.


Don't Care What The Governments Say
They're All Bought And Paid For Anyway

- Sun Green


"Drags heavily"? You were waiting for some car chases? :-D


When I found an interview of Glenn Close talking about the film. The film was shot in the minimalist style. Plus we have to remember the tone of the film. It's a very sad story and the filming style reflects that.


Watch it with the audio commentary to learn a lot more about it. And look on youtube for the 30 minute interview she did. Glenn was passionate about this project... It was a very moving film, just didn't attract the car chase / shoot em up crowd. It does not suck BTW.


Your assumption that anyone who dislikes this are 'car chase shoot'em up' types. I dislike those types and only rated this 5/10. The script and direction were severely lacking in quality.

Cinephiles don't only come in two flavours...

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


The movie took nearly 30 minutes to get going. By the time things got spicy I was already bored outta me skull but I continued to watch simply because I had already invested too much time into the matter.


I thought it was a real let-down. It touched on important issues when it could ave really delved deep and kneaded. It was drab when it could have sparkled.

I don't need car chases to keep me interested. I was on the edge of my seat throughout "The Reader", for example. Just give me a good story! But 60% of the way through Nobbs, I was hoping for an alien invasion, a car chase, a vampire attack... anything to spice up this very drab film. They approached interesting and nearly tapped it on the shoulder with the beach scene, but then dropped that potentially interesting tangent and went back to drabness. Alas. I hope there were some explosions and bungee jumps inthe easter eggs on the DVD.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


I agree, I thought the film did suck.
Nothing wrong with any of the acting, it was just a very slow plodding 'story'. Also When Ablert died I found that I really didn't give a *beep* as I found the character really annoying and was frustrated at his awkwardness.
I appreciate this is kind of a sign that Glen Close's acting was damn good and that it was the direction that I hated. I could not connect with Albert on any level and it made me unable to feel sorry for him. He was just being a dick most of the time, making really childish connections and conclusions that I found unlikely.
I did watch it all though, and I suppose one of the best parts of the performance was when Albert and Hubert put the dresses on and walked out into the street - initially it was as if they were men in drag, which I guess makes theirs a pretty good performance despite the fact that 99% of the time they just looked like women.
Hubert did have an awesome rack though.
I gave the film 5/10, although I feel the acting deserves more.


Fine performances, lackluster script and storytelling. 6/10 stars from me.


The movie took nearly 30 minutes to get going. By the time things got spicy I was already bored outta me skull but I continued to watch simply because I had already invested too much time into the matter.

I gave up after 50 minutes. It was so draggy, and the characters were quite dull and unconvincing. I usually enjoy period costume dramas - could not finish this one. Way too dull.

"I prefer fantasy over reality TV - like Fox News" - B.Streisand
