MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Joy when running on beach - due to being...

Joy when running on beach - due to being at beach, not wearing dress

I didn't care for the scenes of the two of them in dresses, I doubt they wanted to experience that. Also, neighbors would have seen their 'male' neighbor wearing a dress and become suspicious/uncomfortable.

When Albert starts showing joy when at the beach, I don't think at all it had to do with wearing a dress, hadn't he mentioned a few times in the movie his ultimate dream was to get enough money to live on a beach/near the ocean? To me, that was what all the joy was about - and he may well have run in childlike joy if he'd still been wearing his male clothing.



Those were two chicks who definitely looked better as men.


You both are so very wrong! Her running on the beach was due to the sheer joy of being free to be herself for those few precious moments. In a world that forced them to deny who they were and pretend to be someone else those moments were rare and exhilarating. It was a wonderfully sad and thought provoking study of the human condition.



I think the male clothing they would have had to wear to keep their male disguise might have restricted them enough that they wouldn't have enjoyed the run as much. That would probably be true even though Albert fell from wearing the woman's shoes.


I disagree, at first the female clothing was extremely uncomfortable, but Nobbs is shown becoming gradually appreciating, enjoying the sway of the shawl. The beach played a part, but for the first time in 30 years, Nobbs was out of her prison cell of passing as another.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


When Albert starts showing joy when at the beach, I don't think at all it had to do with wearing a dress, hadn't he mentioned a few times in the movie his ultimate dream was to get enough money to live on a beach/near the ocean? To me, that was what all the joy was about - and he may well have run in childlike joy if he'd still been wearing his male clothing.
I certainly hope you're right. Because I can't stand the idea that health didn't like being what he was presented as to us -- that of a cross-dressing woman. Complexity like to make it, and I would like to think that he didn't mind it either. I would like to think that the obligation he had to present a certain way actually corresponded with a deep inner desire to actually be that way -- a desire that he maybe didn't know he had until he was put in the position to dress like that.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!
