MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Did anyone else hate the ending? ***Spoi...

Did anyone else hate the ending? ***Spoilers***

I was so disappointed in the ending. Albert was so close to having his/her dream come true. I knew Helen would finally come around after she had the baby, but either way, Albert could have found another woman. Just because Mr. Paige had an eye for her, didn't mean that she was a great catch.

I was looking forward to Mr. Nobbs having his dream of being a shop owner come true. It really wasn't that far fetched.

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yep, it was a lazy ending in my opinion. Much effort was put into makeup, costumes, set design, but too little effort was expended on a proper script.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Yep, it could have been so much better with some changes to the script!


I often appreciate non happy endings more than happy ones, I feel the writers wanted a non happy ending on principal, they just didn't quite succeed :)

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


I was also disappointed in the ending of this movie. I'm not all for happy endings but this sad ending was too easy I think. The script kinda gave up on Albert. I really wanted Albert to realize his dream and to be happy with someone he liked/loved, Helen or someone else. The character of Helen is difficult to understand, she's quite naive and we don't really know what she's thinking about Albert and what she wants. Only at the end we see that she liked him since she named her son Albert in memory of Mr Nobbs.
BTW I liked the character of Hubert Page, a very sympathetic person but still I don't quite understand why Albert was so eager to behave exactly like him by having a wife to run the tobacco shop of his dreams.


The "end" of Albert was sad and a bit disappointing, especially the way the whole thing happens... i mean..? really?! BUT if you use your imagination and think about it, there were some good morals in the movie that make the ending a bit more "acceptable". At least for me.. Things like..
-Bad things happen, but life goes on.
-Life is short and you must do the things you want.
-You can make your dreams come true if you set your mind to it.
-You choose how people perceive you. Nobody really knows you if you don't show them who you are...
-You plan your life but plans can change.
Generally, things about life, choices, plans, dreams, perception, behavior experiences, emotions and so on.

I liked the final scene, i found it a bit ironic too. Mr. Page used to tease his wife about Helen, and they end up together. Even when he thought that he can't just replace people. Circumstances apparently can. ;) (I would really like to know how Helen deals with the fact, when she finds out that mr. Page is also a woman..hehe)

Also.. there is something that the doctor says when he is in the room after Albert has gone. He says, "Dear jesus, i don't know what makes people live such miserable lives" And then i thought.. For the doctor Albert's life was miserable but for him, it really wasn't. He was trying to make his dream come true. Have a shop, retire, and have a house by the sea. Anyway.. It's all a matter of perception..

Overall, i liked the movie, i just think that it had a fast-moving storyline and was not really focused on the main characters, preventing them from developing. In some cases, also presented what i thought to be indifferent information to the viewer and maybe letting serious events simply go by (e.g. the illnes).


I liked your "take" on the ending. A very positive take on a somewhat sad ending to a lonely person's life and just when it seemed to be turning around. But you brought up some really good points and I'm glad you made me look at it from a different perspective. :-)

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The main thing that bothered me is that it is strongly implied that the hotel lady took (stole) Albert's life savings, and was even leveraging Helen into an uncertain/indefinite term of uncompensated servitude (while appearing "to do the Christian thing") and the movie leave that unresolved. Furthermore, Joe, albeit accidentally (in self defense) caused Albert's death, so there should have been an inquiry and consequences for him too (not murder, but 2nd degree manslaughter or aggravated assault). Plus of course, Joe skips out on his responsibilities and escapes to a hopeful future in America (at least they could have put him on the Titanic... hehe).

Ok, perhaps that is real life and the more European style ending and the story was focusing on other issues, but it "feels" unsatisfactory to me that all this "bad" behaviour is rewarded.


You are right @andrewsk8s. I hated the hotel lady too and how she treated Helen. I wanted to mention that about her but i forgot. Hehe.. I am loving the idea of the Titanic! :)

@sydnee_man i am glad to hear that. :)
