MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Spoiler... Inconsistency about the money

Spoiler... Inconsistency about the money

It seems odd to me that Albert wouldn't keep the ledger book IN with the money. If Mrs. Baker hadn't found the book, she would never have pulled up the floor boards looking for it. But that shoots down the whole "Mrs. Baker's prosperity" ending.
I don't think someone of Albert's station in life would have used a traditional bank. And she was SO concerned about every coin, the only clue to the treasure wouldn't be left laying around where anyone could find it.

Other than that picky little "goof", it was a haunting film which stayed with me for quite a while.

Why is Glenn Close being "Jim Carrey-ed"? That is, not recognized by the Academy for the truly amazing actor she is? Carrey has turned in some amazing performances too.


The book was her proof that it was her money.
Its not the best proof but she had nothing else.

Also in the end of the 19th century, there were some serious bankcrashes, so especially the lower classes who aren´t very informed about how such stuff works (you couldn´t just look it up on your iphone) would rarely have bank accounts.


I still find it very hard to believe that she wouldn't use a bank (maybe not hard to believe, but stupid IMO). I wouldn't have been able to sleep at night knowing that my life savings could be stolen, misplaced, or even destoryed in a fire. I'd take my chances in banks. Maybe even spread it out over a few banks if I was afraid of crashes.
