MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Why all the negative reviews?

Why all the negative reviews?

Close and McTeer alone make this movie good.


I disagree. The movie doesn't work for me because I never believe for a minute that Close looks like a man. She just looks very creepy.


So you're saying she looks like a creepy female? I don't buy it. She looks like a man.

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


Well maybe not creepy, but just pitiful. It is sad that anyone feels compelled to live in a state that is not them.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


The majority of reviewers (for what it's worth) feel that the performances of Ms. Close and, especially, Ms. McTeer are the ONLY reasons to see this movie.

Personally, I liked ALBERT NOBBS. I'm planning on seeing it again.


the movie wasn't bad. it's the people who have seen it were the ones having trouble understanding the message of the film.

i can't understand where their criticisms were coming from.

Glenn Close as ALBERT NOBBS was simply excellent. she was able to show us the character of Nobbs so well. same goes with Janet McTeeer.

perhaps, those people believe that shouting and a lot of crying in a movie make a Best Actress winner already.


Beats Me!

For me, this kind of film was right up my alley. I enjoyed the period\setting the characters and story. Maybe those who have seen it and didn't really connect with it, probably had a hard time believing that Albert and Hubert would have got away with pretending to be men. I can in a sense see this as a valid point; but the fact that it is only a movie and allowances sometimes have to be made for the sake of the themes and quality of acting. Also there were no Transfromers in it.


Don't understand the negativity either. I liked it. I've definitely seen more feminine looking males than what Glenn Close appears as in this film.


There are indeed "feminine looking males" but it's different from females pretending to pass as males.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


I don't buy either of those as men. From the moment I saw the painter, I knew it was a women, and I hadn't read anything about story.


Sometimes I wonder if people are willingly blind and completely miss particular characteristics that distinguish males from females? I agree, neither of the two looked like males, least of which Glenn. Do I still love Glen as an actress, of course, but not for this role. Acting wise, she is stiff, body and face, like a 2x4, for the entire film, and with heavy makeup... I dare think anyone could have "acted" like that.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
