MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > How the HELL can Brendan Gleeson not be ...

How the HELL can Brendan Gleeson not be billed in this company?

Does he have a cameo? Cause over the past few years and with In bruges and now The guard,he has worked himself up to a pretty high level. So to see Aaron Johnson and Janet McTeers names but not he in the film for 2 minutes?

Then it SHOULD say AND Brendan Gleeson....almost seems like a moot point for him to try to get these breakthroughs when he constantly gets knocked back down.


Why not just give him top billing? /sarcasm


That doesn´t make any sense. No,just billing of sort in company like this. If he is billed ahead of Don Cheadle and infront of Ralph fiennes...Aaron Johnson,what? But because of his appearance,every step forward won´t matter careerwise.

In Bruges was followed by Green zone and The guards work is ruined in Safe House with Denzel,who really is stepping it up,recently with Chris Pine and now with Ryan Reynolds in a thriller....sarcasm. Gleeson and Vera Farmiga are in it but Van the man gets billing next to Washington. Guess like with Voight back in the 90´s,Sean Bean,Gabriel Byrne,who was a star for 5 years,studios think LESS people will see a film if certain actors are billed....which is dumb.


I'll agree with you re: Aaron Johnson. But AJ's a 'name', and Mr. Gleeson is not.

In fact, I'm surprised Janet McTeer got above-the-title billing, as much as I her. She's not a 'name' either.

Let's face it, ALBERT NOBBS is MAJOR awards bait, despite what everyone connected with the movie is saying.

That being said, it's a good movie. Not great, but good. Flawed, but the performances save it ... especially those of Mr. Gleeson and Ms. McTeer.


Aaron Johnson's a "name"? This is news to me. I'd bet money that to the art house crowd that is this film's target audience, he is the least known cast member.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


He has a small role that a comes into focus at a couple of key points. Didnt need an actor of his standing but maybe like Rhys-Myers he was lending his weight to the project out of respect to those involved.
Its an interesting role he has, but I do think his oral-sex scene with the maid was un-necessarily graphic. They could have simply shown them lying naked together or something to establish that the affair was happening. I would have recommended the film to my 12-y-old daughter but for that one scene. I'm not prudish, just think it jarred a bit and certainly would limit who you would show it to. I imagine a teacher might want a class to see it to discuss the social context etc, but that scene is a bit much for schoolkids.


1. I saw he was billed along with Rhys-Meyers on the alternative poster,at the time it felt appropriate.

2. Are you fu<kin´kidding me? Do they show Gleeson getting head graphically? Is that what he´s doing now? No,no,no....and you are not prudish in the slightest,man. Your daughter might be better off without that,she will ask what and why and seems like a good answer is absent.

When it comes to real,real sex in film with gifted,famous actors,I hear so much talk about how it´s for the art,what the scene represents,people are sensitive,dedicated to the role,directors vision,provoking etc. screw that. It´s money. If I want to watch penises get sucked on,I go to

You are gonna have to get very deep or pretentious or forced to convince me that´s can never really be. The brown bunny,I skipped it. Love and other drugs...I can say without shame that,why should I watch a romantic comedy where male genitalia is very visable under the slogan"sex is a part of life,what´s the big deal"?

It doesn´t maike me angry but I will probably avoid provokative visualös when made for the sake of provoking. To possibly get confirmation that Jake has a bigger penis then me? Great. In what way would that benefit me and make me feel good,just being one natural example.

It was good you brought it to my attention,thank you. Blurring the line between porn and serious film cause the human body is natural is a silly argument.


He was giving it not getting it.


The woman (big haired brunette maid) was lying back, sighing, and then the camera cuts to between her legs and Brendan looks up with a big on his face, and they have a laugh.

But yeah, I don't see how he gets skipped in credits over Aaron Johnson, or whatever his name is (as he has two listed here "as...something-Johnson"). Brendan probably had more screen time than the other male cast, including Mark Williams and the elderly butler, who were seemingly always standing by in a scene, but had few lines, as butlers were known to behave back then.

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