MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Transgendered not Homosexual

Transgendered not Homosexual

This film is essentially about transgender-ism I believe. It really has nothing to do with sexuality.

It is difficult to compare characters of centuries ago to people now because in the past no one would have been able to even conceive of themselves feeling they are the opposite gender. It is confusing enough for people nowadays (who don't feel that way themselves) to remotely understand it. For instance I have read through this board and only one person posting has mentioned it.

I think it is easier in this film to point out Hubert's life. He was quite confident in his manner and the way he lived his life. He was (in the scene on the beach) feeling a lot more uncomfortable than Albert about what they were doing there. His wife was also very particular about calling them gentlemen and treating them like men, and she knew about them both (having listened behind the door about Albert). Hubert clearly felt male. In today's day and age, he would also live his life as a man, but nowadays he could get hormone treatment to help him.

With Albert, he had hidden so much in plain sight, he seemed a lot more confused. For instance he couldn't really fathom how Hubert lived his life, and Hubert scoffed when Albert told him what he speculated! When Albert was on the beach, he also seemed uncomfortable, although more free. His wanting to have a wife and a business and not be lonely could have been for companionship, but then again he wouldn't be able to conceive of thinking he actually WAS a man. Although for me he seemed just being himself when Hubert asked his real name, and he could only say "Albert". He was just being the person he'd been all his adult life. Had he not had such a bad start in life, it may have been different.

I didn't like what seems to have been the doctor's lack of discretion at the end of the film. How simple would it have been to hide the truth? Oh well, changed days now.
