So sad

I thought this movie was so depressing and sad.

It made me so mad/sad how that girl just used him and how naive he was.

Then he died and they kept his money-gah! so sad.


Yeah, it was sad but the girl learned afterwards and so she named her son Albert which I found very thoughtful. As for the evil woman taking his money, disgusted me to the extreme. It's such a sad film, gah!


I agree, it was a very sad film.

The host does take Albert's money, but she hires Hubert to paint the place---so Hubert will essentially get some of Albert's money and use it to help take care of Helen (which was Albert's wish in the first place). Either way, what a sad life for Albert. I wanted him to find some true happiness.



The entire system in England was a mind numbing and crushing one. Many women had to pretend they were men just to live. People have many problems today, but be glad we don't have to live like the class syatem of that era. Just horrifying!

Obtained from the liver of the inflatable mongoose.
