MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Spoiler - Question about the ending

Spoiler - Question about the ending

I got the impression that she (Albert) knew she was dying at the end, and seemed peaceful and happy about it. Did anyone else get this impression?


No. Not at all. Nobbs dealt with difficult after difficulty throughout her life. Nothing ever came easy. Even when she had enough to buy her business, other bad things happened that kept her from being happy about this dream coming true. When she returned to her room after being attacked by Joe, she knew something was wrong when she couldn't use her hands properly to lock her door. My guess is she went to lie down, hoping that rest would make everything better as it had done recently with the illness striking people (was it typhoid)?

Instead, she died during that resting time. Problem after happiness...and then death. :-(


When he threw him to the wall you can hear something crack. He was bleeding from the ear. For sure he cracked his skull. Very bleak movie. But I am sure for a lot of women life was very bleak. Trapped noway to own property. Treated like morons. And for some even today life is not much better.


I felt that albert was just happy he had tried to do something 'manly' to come to Helen's aid. He finally stood up for his beliefs rather than just stand on the sidelines. He had a glimmer of what happiness was. I don't think he knew he was dying, just resting. I have to read the book. Excellent movie about a subject that I think was more widespread than we know about. Also, Janet McTeer was excellent as Mr Page. The way so many men treated women in those days (and still do) it was no wonder so many women would live double lives. Does not mean lesbians, just women who wanted decent lives.


I have another question to add:

Did anyone else hear the high pitched ringing sound after Albert was hurt? I am trying to figure out if it was my television only or if it was supposed to be in the movie. If others can hear it, then I know it is supposed to represent tinnitus that comes with head traumas (or loud noises.) Because Albert was bleeding from the ear there was definite grave head trauma. Physically, the sound represents the trauma but artistically it can also represent the life of Albert Hobbs. I think he was proud of himself, it was the most raw emotion we ever saw Albert display - jumping on Joe's back to defend the woman he loved. Perhaps one last hurrah. He never realized the dream of living as a self-made man with his own business and family, but he did defend Helen's honor.


Yes, I heard the ringing. It represented his brain injury probably. He never know how bad he was injured, but I doubt if he would ask for the doctor to come look at him. He suffered thru that typhoid all alone. He would never let any one "inspect" his body... A sad ending...
