MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Male viewers at fault for low rating

Male viewers at fault for low rating

...again no great surprise...A good film has a lower rating because it's not male oriented with car chases and gun a boy gets a girl pregnant out of wedlock.

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


17 year old guy here, gave it a 7/10.


Well then you have taste! :)

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


32 year old guy here gives it a 7/10. And it could have been better,..but it's worth a watch for sure. I would actually give it a 6.7,...but, won't let me. It had some flaws in the writing, in my opinion.

You're saying females have great taste?....there's a huge market for poorly written, cliche horribly acted chick flicks for a reason right? I would even say at any given time the majority of films in theaters are geared toward women.

Twilight, Sandra Bullock ect....woukd have never been popular and rich without women.

I actually agree that a lot of men have low standards for film.

,....actually I think people in general have bad taste in music and film.

This is obviously my opinion since they are both subjective.


Never at any time did I say that females had great taste. What I said was, male votes was what made the rating go down because this is not standard fare for them which is: high octane action films which show car chases, people getting shot at, etc. Yes I agree with you, Hollywood itself panders to the infantile, low attention span audience and leaving out those of us who actually want to see films with narrative content. I think if better films/music were offered, people would listen to them or watch them but because they don't go out of their way to discover indie music/film, what they get is crap. If you keep serving people crap to ingest, they never know what fine fare is!

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


Fair enough, I still think if a film like The Help can grab an 8 on imdb, then it was because of females, so I slightly disagree with you still. ( I thought this was a far better film than the help)

However, I do agree with you about everything else. In fact, I pretty much said the same exathinking you said my bio on my profile page.

I couldn't agree more, and as long as people keep buying movie tickets to go see the fast and the furious, they will keep pumping them out. The think Fast 6 comes out soon.......and if they stop making those films then Paul Walker and Vin Diesel would unemployed,.....and we don't want that, not in this economy,...haha.

People actually say things on imdb like "I want to leave my brain at the door and be entertained" or

"I have enough reality, I don't need to see it in movies". and so on......

Everyone has their right to like what they want,...I just feel bad for them because they're missing the other part of the film experience.


While I agree that both male and female audiences can - and do - have poor taste in movies, it seems to me that women get attacked more for this. "Chick flick" is considered more derogatory than, say, "guys' movie". Professional film critics have always been mostly men who disguise male bias as objective film criticism. Here on IMDB, male users are more given to trolling on the boards for male actors or female-targeted films and attacking their female fans than the other way round. So it is not that women don't like bad movies, it is just that men get away with it more.


I agree with you and think they are equally pathetic. I'm going to give exactly half credit on each side for the bad ones.

However,...I'm going to have to give guys a little more credit on the good ones.


With the people I know, the women go and see Inception, Shame and LA Confidential, while the men don't go to the movies at all and when they do, the movies they see are usually feature-length versions of the TV shows of very popular - and lowbrow - national comedians. My brother has been to the cinema twice over the last ten years: the first time when I took him to see The Prestige, the second when his female coworkers suggested seeing Moneyball to kill time because the train was late. I have Scorsese and Jarman in my DVD collection, he only buys exploitation or fluff from the 60's or 70's, because he likes the period and he finds the actresses hot, but he is the first to say that they are atrocious.

My problem isn't even with people liking terrible movies, because I know that in the end it is all a matter of opinion. I actually feel bad about writing that others have bad taste in movies, when the truth is that their taste doesn't match mine. My problem is with the double standards and the arrogance. As much as I hate the Twilight saga, I find it a bit rich of boys to make assumptions about the IQ of Twilighters when they are standing in line to get into the next Transformers movie. And when I read that a male professional critic thinks that James McAvoy's only proper film is Wanted simply because Atonement and The Last King of Scotland are set in the past, I don't see why he should get paid to write reviews.


1) I agree with you, he doesn't sound like he should be critiquing film. There's a lot of critics that are full of sh!t. Transformers and Fast and Furious flicks have their spot on the screen and can be fun I guess, but (in my opinion) if that's the only kind of film somebody watches then they aren't really into filmmaking as a whole.

2) I am friends with people like your brother, and he sounds like he could take or leave film. Just like some people don't care about music, so they just turn on the radio and listen to whatever popular song, the popular station is playing that week.

3) I don't think women have a low IQ because they watch Twilight. I think it's pretty simple, they like cheesy love stories. Lets be real. Isn't that why Soap Operas and romance novels are a million dollar industry?

Just like guys like watching things blow up and car chases.

These type of people really don't care about the writing, acting, directing and content. They care about the special effects and how hot the actor/actresses are.

So while I'm agreeing with you , I think it's females and males equally. If you're girl friends are watching Scorsese, Nolan and Paul Thomas Anderson films then maybe I'm just living in a completely different place......Because in AZ people camp out to see the next Twilight flick, but I can go to an opening of a foreign film on a Friday night 20 min before it starts and still have my choice of seating.

My friends and I are all into film,...and like to analyze it after we watch one. They're mostly guys, but I have a couple girl friends that do too.

I can tell you enjoy film on the same level as me, but I didn't like Atonement. Even though I respect it, It just wasn't my thing. And it's not because I don't like love stories or because I'm too busy watching Iron Man,....So it all really boils down to taste, you said. If you want to check out the films I'm excited about this year, here's a list. If you have one I'd like to check it out too.


Please rest assured that my criticism was not aimed at you, but at those male viewers and critics who insultingly attack women for their taste in movies while having plenty of skeletons in the closet themselves. I am the first to admit that I often go by actors or subject matter when choosing a film, which can cause me to waste money on something that turns out to be a guilty pleasure at best. The difference between me and some male critics / viewers is that I feel I am a tad more respectful and humble.
You are right in saying that we are living in completely different places, because I am Italian and here it is women that keep movie going alive, rather than men. By and large, movies are a girl's thing here in Italy. Gender-wise, the audience for 300 is not really different from that for Albert Nobbs. You couldn't tell which of the two is being screened by just looking at the people in the theater, you'd find mostly women in both cases. The 300 screening would be much more crowded, but that's it. There were about 2 men to 6 women when I saw 300 and given their heckling they could have stayed home, for all I care.
Regarding professional film criticism, it is on its last legs, and I am not going to miss it. Since those people get paid to see films and say if they like them, they might as well come up with something more articulate than glorified trolling. There are many IMDB users whose reviews are far better written than those you read on Premiere or Empire.


Oh, I did not take any offense, in fact agreed with most of it.

I think it's kind of the other way around here where I live. There isnt a lot of culture and most of the people tend to lean on the superficial side of film. There's only one theater in a metro area that will show foreign flicks and independent film.

and yes,....critics should learn how to articulate themselves if they want us to respect what they have to say.


I'd love to think that movies in Italy lose audience to arts or literature, but the sad truth is that they get ignored in favor of reality shows, "talent" contests and soccer. The latter in particular seems to have an escapist potential for Italian men that no blockbuster could ever match.




Make no mistake, if heterosexual men were removed from IMDb just as an experiment, the Top 250 would look vastly different. They ruin everything.

The Nimble, Limber One


I liked the film for the characters and acting, despite the obvious lesbian / gay marriage subtext. It's a shame a movie can't just be what it is without these liberal undertones but I realise that's how they get funding in hollywood.


This film was based on a novella so I guess you'll have to blame the writer for the 'liberal' undertones.

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


The screenwriters would be the ones to make the script palatable enough for the left coast Hollywood types. As it had a lot of trouble finding funding, I suspect that the left coast types found it not liberal enough.

I also suspect that the screenplay is far removed from the novella, as Ms. Close had worked on the script for almost thirty years.

That being said, I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of so-called 'gender identity' politics in this movie. There was very little preaching; there was one moment when Hubert said something like, "It's not as if we murdered someone."

In fact, a lot of people criticized the movie for its lack of lefty political preaching.

"I can't bear labels."
~ Janet McTeer


Since I've not read the novella, I can't really compare it with the script. Wasn't this film funding through the UK? Normally films of this nature seem to come from European monies but I've not looked into this but this is definitely not a 'normal' "Hollywood" sort of film.
I enjoyed the film a lot and did not think even the most conservative of audiences would find it over the top in it's so called 'liberalism' as the previous poster put.

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


I'm a 36 y/o male. I just watched this the other day. I've been on this site countless years but I never rated a movie and I doubt I'll start now.

My goal this year was to watch all of the movies up for Oscar Noms in each of the main catergories. Of course Close was up for Best Actress.

First off, just because this OP thinks it's a good movie doesn't mean it actually is a good movie! So stop blaming males for the low score. I hate the fact at my local theatre we only get the big Hollywood action movies instead of indy movies. We used to get indy movies but it all stopped when the owner saw he was actually losing money by carrying them! He did what he had to do to save the place and that was to appeal to the local masses taste!

This movie was creepy and laughable! Each time I saw Close on screen I couldn't help but snicker! She looks like Stan Laurel of "Laurel and Hardy" fame! LOL.. I was unhappy with a lot of the Oscar noms this year. So many people that actually deserved one didn't make the cut. No way should Close have been in there! But that seems to be typical Hollywood. She dressed in drag and it was gay themed so of course she moves up to the front of the pack!

This character was a twisted soul on several levels. Her/his whole life was one big con job. Conning people for jobs. Conning people for lame attempts at dates and unrealistic hopes of marrying!

All the Irish in this movie must have been either drunk or stupid. How could they not see Hubert was nothing more than a giant lesbian? Right when she walked on screen I said "it's a woman in drag. how can they not see that?"

They say in all works of fiction you have to suspend your belief system. But this movie was really over the top!


Okay so I wanted to see what the fuss is about with the ratings. I gave it a 3/10 for the comedy it gave me at times, rather intended or not.


Yeah well I laugh my head off at most high octane Hollywood films that rely on CGI to keep you thinking that men can do stunts that can only be achieved by comic book characters are actually possible...I think they are much more unbelievable than this film is but I don't see any males complaining about films that are geared towards them being a suspension of disbelief. Why? Because men really really must think they can do those stunts or they really really do fantasize they can be Batman or Superman or save the world...even if it's not a Batman or Superman film.

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


TigerBos you clearly come across as one that either has issues with male movie goers or males in general. I highly doubt they are the reason for the low scoring of this movie. I think it's the fact that this is just a creepy and laughable movie reflecting the score to begin with!

Oh believe me! I know plenty of male friends and male family members that are the typical action movie boneheads. No question about it. One friend actually is proud to admit that Steven Segal is his favorite actor!

But all this being said. Do you really think these types of men are going to even give renting Albert Noobs a second thought much less first thought just in order to give it a low score on this site? Hell no! They're going to laugh at the concept of such a movie, skip it all around, and go about watching their action flicks!

I watched the movie Phriah this morning. Great indy movie with great acting! Depending on when it was released, if it qualified, the lead actress and Kym Wyanes should have gotten Oscar noms instead of the likes of Glenn Close and Michelle Williams! Albert Noobs looks like schlock compared to this movie!


Yes indeed they are the reason for the lower rating. All you have to do is look at the percentiles and see who votes like how by age and by gender. At my original posting, the votes for the males rated this quite low. Yes I do have a problem with the male oriented film system that overlooks 1) More mature viewers of all genders; 2) The pandering the film industry puts upon youth, mainly young male viewers, etc. As far as being 'creepy', that is a matter of opinion, like everything else of course. I did not find the film 'creepy'. Also, just for the record, most of the ratings on IMDB are from the male viewers as a much higher number of men are registered on here as opposed to females. As a matter of fact, more males are on the internet than females anyway so yes I think I have the right to take that fact to task. Second of all, I don't see what your beef is with Michelle Williams. I think she's done some great work. Perhaps some people judge her looks and Glenn Closes' age and just simply disregard them instead of some hot young blonde thing that gets their ding dongs rising. I've not seen Phriah and cannot comment on that. As for the Oscars, of course they are all about politics. This is why the Indie Film Industry has their own awards.

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


Again I don't know much about the ranking system on this site. So you mean to tell me there is actually a way to see the gender and age of people giving scores? So for instance it will say I'm 36/m giving it a 3/10?

I love Michelle Williams. But I hated My Week with Marlyn too! Aside from a few F-bombs, to me it was a Lifetime Channel quailty of movie.

Oh you're soooooo right about Hollywood politics. I can't stand Harvey Winestein. Each Oscar season he is like a pimp and a lot of stuff he's involved with always manages to get up for one nom or another. Just take a look at this year alone! He was involved with The Artist, The Iron Lady, and My Week with Marlyn. I might have even left out some movies, but I know for sure he was behind those three.

Not fully awake yet. Hope this makes sense.


I don't see Winestein listed on this site as far as producer credits on The Artist or The Irony Lady. But I saw this interview live as it happened on Access Hollywood Live as he talked about being involved with all 3 movies


I can blame the male viewers because it's true - all you have to do is look at the stats of all the films of the IMDB site and you can see by age and gender who rated the movie how. Yes how could people have not noticed that Hubert was a 'giant lesbian'? Probably the same thousands of people who mistook a man for a woman in The Crying Game and actually admitted they were fooled...I guess, according to you, most people are just gullable, easily fooled and constantly watch 'bad films' .so why should YOUR opinion count any more than mine does on here...just because you say so?

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


I totes agree with you OP! Just like over on the Girls board, it seems most men are still unaccustomed to seeing a below average/unattractive looking female as the lead role in ANYTHING. Some people on IMDB might as well be living back in the 19th century themselves... Hypocrisy at its finest.

Look at how happy you are, so carefree. It's almost as if you don't know you're Billy Bush!-Triumph



Low rating due to women voting it down because of lack of sexy vampires.

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.


lol Who knew?

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.
