MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > MAJOR spoiler - question for people who'...

MAJOR spoiler - question for people who've seen the film:

What did he/she die from??? Looks like he didn't hit that wall hard enough to die from it... Did he have a stroke???



I get the impression that he died from some kind of head injury. I seem to remember some blood coming out of one of his ears as he lay in bed.

He probably didn't hit the wall hard enough, but IMHO that is because the whole fight scene was so poorly done.


***** SPOILERS******

I think he slit his own throat.


wtf?! Why would you think he slit his own throat?!

I wondered why Joe went to America and not to jail for murder?


He/she was very sad and wasn't going to get the girl.


Hey psss,

"What did he/she die from??? Looks like he didn't hit that wall hard enough to die from it... Did he have a stroke???"
This is just my thoughts on how Albert died:
I think Albert did not fully recover from the typhoid fever and was still looking frail but was well enough to perform his duties, until Joe pushed him against the wall during the argument. Perhaps the blood dripping from Albert’s ear is a result of trauma to the head or brain injury from the head hitting the wall. Albert then rushed to his bedroom to lie down as he may have felt dizzy and in pain. He may have died overnight as it wasn’t until the next morning when he was found still lying in the same position on his bed.


I don't know how to use the red block for spoilers, so scroll down if you don't mind seeing spoilers below...

My husband is a firefighter and paramedic, so he is familiar with injuries and trauma. He said that the bleeding from the ears indicates an extremely serious head injury. He says that he also saw something in the way she hit the wall or something, which made him know that this was a very bad injury (although I don't know how he could tell). Anyway, he said that between the type of blow and the bleeding from the ears that she would probably die soon.

And, she most certainly did not slit her own throat!


Terripinder is right. Whenever blood comes out of the ears, it's a sign of a traumatic brain injury. Plus I don't think she should have went to sleep after hitting her head at the angle.

Weiss: I want a lawyer and a sandwich. Oh, and I want to update my Facebook status.


Head injuries are tricky. My kids' pediatrician said she has seen kids die from falling off a tricycle if they hit their head a certain way. Also, you may remember that actress Natasha Richardson died a couple of years ago from a very minor skiing accident.



I got the impression his head hit at a very bad angle, and while perhaps not a completely broken neck, it was broken enough that there was internal bleeding going on. Not sure it was the neck though, but definitely a head injury that if he'd asked for medical care at the time, who knows he might have lived. Course he wouldn't ask for medical care, ever, as to do so would reveal his real sex possibly.


It reminded me of Natasha Richardson's death. Remember she took a tumble on a begiinner ski hill, hitting her head. She appeared and felt fine, so was not treated. Then she went into a coma and died days later. But the initial injury didn't seem alarming at all.

Also, it seemed clear that that was no ordinary way to hit the wall, just by the way the camera shot lingered on it.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


Yes TerriPinder and Baby Mysty are correct

Albert suffered a concussion/traumatic brain injury as a result of a blow to the head, and then fell asleep.

(I knew that was going to happen, in fact I kept yelling at the screen "Don’t fall asleep Glen Close Don’t fall asleep!!!" but she did anyway)

Normally an injury of this type is not fatal, but if the victim falls asleep, they can slip into a coma, never regain consciousness and/or die.

Never let anyone doze off who has just suffered a head injury.

In fact I’m surprised Joe wasn’t arrested and charged with murder.


I also yelled at the screen "Don't go to sleep!"
When Albert hit his head and the fight scene appeared to slow down, i knew we were in trouble. When Albert stumbled back to his room, fumbled with his key and was unable to lock his door and then layed down with the blood streaming from his ear, I KNEW this was the end. I hoped that he would live of course but I knew that once he went to sleep that would be it.

This is why you should never go to sleep after you hit your head. I've heard that since i was a young child. The worst thing you can do is go to bed after a head injury, because you may have a concussion. Even with young children, they usually try to give the kid ice cream or candy in an effort to keep them awake until they can seek medical attention.

Poor Albert Nobbs. I'm tearing up again just thinking about it...

"There is no off position to the genius switch"
