MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > The trailer was too much for me.

The trailer was too much for me.

Just creepy as all hell, and not in a good "horror" way.


It is a creepy film because Glenn Close looks like an aged Christmas Tree Ormament Elf that fell into a plate of dough.

The young girl was a mere target for Nobbs very strange and unexplained desires. Nobbs is a lesbian, not a man.

And Helen, the young girl, is beautiful and vulnerable and in a relationship with a bad male antagonist, therefore a woman becomes a better alternative for her. This occurs in any lesbian film. There's always the jerk guy, and of course the evil Christian (the hotel owner).

This movie was entertaining, but it had an agenda.


You keep saying that Nobbs is a lesbian. In every post that you make on this board. It wouldn't bother me if this assumption were true. It's not. She's not a lesbian. Her desires are vague (she wanted to take care of Helen), but not unexplained.

It's not a lesbian film. You've been to a number of threads where they say exactly what I have said, and yet you still insist on saying it's a lesbian film in every thread.

The movie had an agenda, but it was not a "lesbian agenda." Actually, it was quite the opposite. The point of the movie was to show that people don't always have to be homosexual when dressing as the opposite sex. That's why they showed us in the end that that picture she kept was (SPOILER) her mother, not a former lover. They showed us that just in case some veiwers didn't get it by that point.

She was not in love with Helen. She didn't even choose Helen. Mr. Page told Albert that Helen would make a pretty young wife (although not outright, and not in those words) and so a few days later Albert asks Helen out. When Helen kisses Albert, he actually pulls back, but he can't escape her kiss. It's not what he wanted. So no, he's not a lesbian. He just wanted companionship.

This is why the movie centres on Albert and not Hubert. I would have loved a movie about Hubert and not Albert (I mean, Hubert even gets to marry Helen in the end... lucky bastard), but that's not what the movie was about. I think that the movie was about gender identity and a look at asexuality.


It's a movie about identity and survival, not gender issues.

That's what makes it such a good movie. It appeals to all of us, not just those with narrow agendas.

"I can't bear labels." - Janet McTeer


Close was not even close to being a lesbian. You must not have watched the movie.


<< It is a creepy film because Glenn Close looks like an aged Christmas Tree Ormament Elf that fell into a plate of dough. >>

Okay...this actually made me laugh out loud!!

Part of the reason I feel so-so about this movie is Glenn Close is nothing like a man, and it makes the situation pretty unbelievable.

I know there were some female historical figures who lived their lives disguised as men (in addition to others, surely, who we never heard about because they were successful at it to the very end), but they must have passed easier than Glenn Close. She just looks like someone with really good posture.
