MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Janet McTeer's performance was exception...

Janet McTeer's performance was exceptional

Give this lady an oscar......her performance came deep from the soul and anchored this sad little tale.


I completely agree with you, rascal67.
She, above all the other actors made the film work on a gut level. I do hope she gets an Oscar for her performance or at lest a nod. If Felicity Huffman could get a nomination for her transgendered character in Transamerica then Janet McTeer's performance as Hubert shouldn't scare away the right wing "feel good" Academy when they vote this year.


Janet McTeer's performance as Hubert shouldn't scare away the right wing "feel good" Academy when they vote this year.

You mean the same Academy that awarded Hilary Swank in "Boys Don't Cry" and three Oscars for "Brokeback Mountain"?

Challah if you hear me


I agree that her performance was very good. However, I had a problem with how little she looked like a man. That's not her fault though.


Oh I'm so excited to see this film when it's finally released here in April. Love Janet McTeer - such a chameleon and I've a feeling this performance won't disappoint me.


I agree, she's excelent, and even more to those who have seen her in other roles.


Janet was outstanding indeed . Really stole the movie in my view . The scene where Hubert and Albert dress again as women produces an incredible effect . She really looks like a man trying to look like a woman .

I can hardly imagine anyone else being as convincing as she was in the part .. well , maybe Tilda Swinton . She certainly has some experience in the field thanks to Orlando . Still , Tilda would have looked like a handsome , ephebic man while Janet could pass for a rough , virile one . I think she should have won the Oscar she was nominated for .
