MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Just saw it - Close will NOT win Oscar

Just saw it - Close will NOT win Oscar

Just came out of a screening at Telluride, with a very gracious Glenn Close introducing it to us.

The film is, I am sorry to say......not very good. Forumulaic plot, horrible script and run of the mill.

Close does not give the best performance in the film. That honor belongs to Janet McTeer. I would have preferred to follow her character throughout the film instead of Nobbs.

I would not be surprised if Close ended up getting nominated, since she is Glenn Close, but it really isn't that good, person's opinion, but no way does she win an Oscar for this film.


I'm sorry too. I wanted it to be good for her. How is Jonathan Rhys Meyers?




Mia W. was excellent, as usual despite her lame subplot with Aaron Johnson, but she doesn't pick up steam until around the third act when she has much more screen time. As for the scene in the park, she's a girl and thusly hits like one. When all was said and done, I cared more about Helen's denouement in the end (redundant, I know) than Albert's.

Challah if you hear me


Most of the reviews I've read online seem to share similar thoughts on the film. That Close is solid enough as Albert Nobbs that she will probably land an Oscar nomination but the film itself isn't particularly good.

I think the writing was on the wall when we saw the lack of interest from the major studios and a small label like Roadside Attractions pick the film up. Usually if it's a smaller label, the film has one of the following problems: Controversial content, Poor Commercial Prospects, or is Mediocre/Poor.

I think a lot is going to ride on the quality of the pics debuting at Toronto over the next week. If there are a number of strong female performances in films that also garner strong reviews, Glen Close might not even get the nomination.

It's sad that passion project so often fail. I think if your going to be that dedicated to a project, you need someone on set who is objective to point out when things just aren't working. Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York is the ultimate example of a passion project gone wrong, IMO.


The few reviews out so far RAVE about Ms. McTeer's performance.


Janet McTeer plays Hubert Page, a handyman working on the hotel where Albert works. Even though we know it is McTeer, and that she is a woman, she is so physically overpowering and masculine, you really can buy her as a man. She is very, very good in the film.

If I were to describe the plot to you, you would say "What? What else is there?"...that is just it. The film doesn't have much to to or anything special to recommend. It is just dead on arrival.


That's too bad :(

How were Mia Wasikowska, Aaron Johnson and Brendan Gleeson? What were their characters?


Mia Waskikoska was okay. She was better then normal in some scenes and worse in others (the scene with Close in the park was almost unbearable).


I adore Janet McTeer, will watch her in anything. She is absolutely compelling every moment on the screen. Glenn Close has done some good work but not in everything.


Just saw it at TIFF and thought Glenn was amazing as always. I definitely thinking Oscar nomination. Her biggest competition will be Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher. We will have to see what that one is like.


Glenn is winning, apart from the great performance she delivered and the good reception her film is getting, she's going to work the *beep* out of the circuit and go all the way pushing for the win already starting with her san sebastian award


agreed. it was always about her being 'overdue' and if she campaigns properly, then i can't see anybody beating her unless they deliver a true tour de force that wins universal raves.

i know last year bening was pipped to the post with her 'overdue' nomination...but bening hardly compares to glenn close, who is much more relevent in todays media industry and is widely considered the MOST deserving of the multiple nominees. not only that but she doesn't have the obstacles that bening had- she was lead in two films that completely divided critics and fans, though neither film won her quite the praise she needed, and then out of nowhere natalie portmans performance gained the momentum of a charging bull.

"they should give nicole kidman an oscar for being able to show any emotion after THAT much botox".


I beg to differ. Coming out of Toronto, Glenn Close is the Oscar favorite until Meryl's movie opens.

Close will get a nod, and Janet McTeer will also be nominated.

It's a great role in a very, very involving movie that is gripping from beginning to end because it isn't about plot, but about it's character, about the hotel, about the values of those times at the turn of the 20th century.

Like "Brokeback Mountain", it's not about plot, it's a movie about how "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation". About the gap that exists between who we wish to be and who we actually are.

Glenn Close isn't playing a woman who is passing herself off as a man so much as she is playing a woman hiding from who she is, and has done it so well for so many years that she practically disappears in a room as though she is simply a piece of furniture.

Absolutely fascinating movie from beginning to end.


I don't think she needs a "welcome back to the club" nomination after 5 unsuccessful nominations.

Close needs to win - nothing less, nothing more. If she's nominated, but lose again it will be more of an insult than an honor.

It is better to be the best among the best rather than the best among the worst.


It will give her the same distinction as Miss Deborah Kerr.

Not too shabby company.


the performance has not have to be good to get an Oscar, thousands of examples of that


Well... Close has the fact that she's never won on her side- I had hoped the film would be getting more positive reviews overall to boost her chances. Streep will be her biggest competition. It all depends on how "Iron Lady" performs.


Aw, that's too bad. I don't care about the Oscars, but it would definitely be nice to see Glenn win one, as she's one of the greatest actresses around. And I wasn't aware that Janet McTeer plays a man in this movie. It may indeed turn out that McTeer gets a nomination as Best Supporting Actress whereas Glenn doesn't get a nomination at all. :(
We'll see what happens.....
