MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > So I saw Albert Nobbs...

So I saw Albert Nobbs...

The lack of reviews for Albert Nobbs surprised me. Anyways, I was expecting a perhaps well-made film that would be sorta dull with an incredible performance at its core. I was wrong in all 3 categories.

First off, I was surprised by how entertaining the film turned out to be. It was very easy to watch. Sure, its a period British drama, but pretty entertaining. But why was it entertaining? I want to say that the film was aiming to be serious and really emotional. While it was adequately-shot, the film really has no meat in it. It simply has nothing. Glenn Close is good, sometimes very good, but sadly, the writing doesn't give her much to dig into. There are moments where she is about to shine, but then nothing. You can tell she wants to dig deeper, but the script doesn't let her. Neither does the sort of lifeless direction the film has. Yet it was entertaining... but why? I hate to say it, but the film stops just short of being a laugh-fest. I'm serious, I actually do hate that. If it had had more unintentionally funny scenes maybe it would be one of those films that you rewatch just for the fun factor. But it doesn't. It only has a few unintentionally funny scenes, although they do stick in my mind. One scene is a run through the beach, where the direction is so laughable you will end up at least smiling. Sadly, Close thought she was creating a powerful scene, but instead her smile throughout this 'run' in the beach just adds to the comedy in it. In another scene, the film turns really melodramatic and we see Mia Wasikowska laughably is supposed to be hitting Nobbs, bu it all looks so incredibly hammy.

My mention of it being funny will make people think its gonna be a melodramatic laugh-fest throughout, but it isn't. In fact, it's a fairly slow-paced and quiet film, which makes these comedic moments stand out. But like I said, for some reason the film is entertaining enough to watch, and also for Close's good performance. But make no mistake, a LOT of critics will dislike this film, or perhaps like it for the wrong reasons like me. And again, make no mistake, Glenn Close is NOT winning the Oscar. In fact, I would be surprised if she even is nominated at this point. She is good, but nothing special, which is a shame, because there was a scene where she sits down to talk about her past where she truly shined, yet it seems as if everyone is involved is trying to make her look bad. It's as if they purposely are detracting her from being truly magnificent. But then again, they think the film is seriously supposed to be taken seriously as 'Oscar bait', when all the emotional response has been robbed from the audience way before the credits roll. Also, to further my point that the filmmakers have failed at their goal, notice the song that plays in the credits. Hilarious! Yet I sorta liked it, even knowing that it's a failure in every sense of the word.

Close is probably my #6,and no doubt that she will go down further. Whya re people still predicting her? No way is the film getting anything more than mixed reviews
