MovieChat Forums > Albert Nobbs (2012) Discussion > Filming this summer says Rodrigo García

Filming this summer says Rodrigo García has an interview with Rodrigo García and he talks about Albert Nobbs, Close, and that they hope to start shooting this summer.

García, who studied medieval history at Harvard before graduating at the American Film Institute, is about to embark on his first period feature, "Albert Nobbs," adapted from the 19th-century Irish short story. Close will reprise the title role—she starred in the 1982 Off-Broadway production—of a woman who lives as a man in order to keep her job. García takes out his iPhone to reveal a yet-to-be-published picture of Close in full makeup and costume as the dreary head butler at a family-run hotel.

"She can pass, no?" he says of Close in drag. "[Nobbs] has erased herself completely. No one knows that she's a woman in disguise, and she no longer knows what she is or what she feels like. She's just Albert. She thinks, 'What now? What about the future? How long can I sustain this?' It's really a romantic triangle of sorts between her and another maid who lives in the hotel played by Amanda Seyfried. This will be my third time working with Amanda. And Orlando Bloom is the third part in the triangle." García is gearing up to start shooting in the summer. "We still don't have all our ducks in a row, but we are behaving like we are." -1004088096.story
