MovieChat Forums > Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2024) Discussion > Revival/Continuation Of The 90s Series W...

Revival/Continuation Of The 90s Series Would've Been Better

Given that the 90s series ended on a cliffhanger I'd much rather they bring that series back than have yet another origin story.





Maybe villains for Sophomore year should be Mr. Negative. Others should be Light master, Bombshell, Screwball, The Beetle Abner Jenkins and Gibbon. Anymore villain thoughts? We'll use the ideas for accuracy.

I think it's MCU show kind of like Smallville before Clark Kent was Superman. I have ideas for the next Spider-Man movie trilogy on this link below...

There are ideas for Spider-Man Sophomore Years. Maybe villains for Sophomore year should be Mr. Negative. Others should be Lightmaster, Bombsell, Screwball, The Beetle Abner Jenkins and Gibbon. Anymore villain thoughts? We'll use the ideas for accuracy. It's on both the Freshman Year Earth and main MCU continuity. Sophomore Year is a show on an alternate Earth on the Disney Plus show while the comics are backstory on the main MCU. Black Widow on Sophomore Year defeats Mr. Negative while helping Spider-Man defeat those Sophomore Year villains as Iron Man and War Machine helps defeat them too.

On the main MCU comics as alternative to this it's Tony Stark as mentor of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Kraven the Hunter should be a villain for this. This is when the Punisher kills Dennis Carradine the killer of Ben Parker. Maybe the MCU Norman Osborn is a Stark employee. Instead of Dr. Strange and Daredevil there are Iron Man and Black Widow. The other villains should be Camillia and her brother the Chameleon with his name unknown. Dmitri of the MCU who was introduced in Spider-Man: Far From Home kills Chameleon of the main in MCU in canon backstories while Black Widow ends up killing Camillia.

Spider-Man and Iron Man defeat those other Freshman year villains. They are shapeshifting villains. Also Speed Demon, Butane, Tarantula/Maria Vasquez, Unicorn and Boomerang. Maybe there's Green Goblin and Tombstone on Sophomore Year on the show and in Sophomore Year comics in the main MCU there's Tombstone from there. Also Otto Octavius before being Doc Ock is a scientist for Stark Industries.
