I keep on reading these posts about people's opinions and I'm starting to realize that people don't pay attention to movies as much as I do.

This movie was good if you're smart enough to undertsand what the writer was aiming at. As for the people who don't understand it for some reason, please reply anything you don't understand and I will be happy to answer it.



Enlighten us oh Wise One. I for one found this movie a poorly scripted farce of a joke upon my sense of film entertainment. Most notably the three trapped characters had numerous chances to escape. Furthermore are you trying to tell me that come push to shove, three healthy young people could'nt overtake a man with no weapons or discernable super strength (the people he killed were taken by surprise). So what exactly was the writer aiming at Wise One? Thanks.



If you payed attention, they tried to escape. Josh Peck's character ran out full speed like all of you suggest they do and what happens? lol

I'm assuming you think they have see through vision because I never heard the Serial killer once say that he didn't have a weapon, or are you willing to take a guess and put your life on the line. You have to be realistic on these situations. What WOULD you have done, not what COULD you have done. What if the killer had a gun and you tried to run up on him? DEAD!

This story is about a genius serial killer who plans out every single plot that he desires and executes it without him "ever being there." I for one looked at all the blueprints at the end and the movie made sense after that. That is what the writer was aiming at and I think it's quite good.



If all three had made a run for it. The killer couldn't follow all three. And it wouldn't have been long before at least two of them would have escaped with their lives.

Stupid film all right.


If you saw the closing credits, the killer had a complete analysis of the area with maps, security equipment (he may have worked for the video security company), maximum range of the video cameras used, hours of operation, frequency of overnight ATM use, etc. He probably had most contingencies covered. I believe he would be packing as that possibility would most definitely present itself. Also one of the three being armed is also a reason to believe the killer was armed.

I once watched a bar fight where four normal sized men attacked a huge biker guy. The biker stabbed one through the hand (OK it was me) and broke his beer mug over my friend's head and simply punched out the other two. What seems like an advantage may in reality be a disadvantage. I still have a big scar on my hand to remind me of that lesson.

You need to go back and watch this movie again putting yourself realistically (not as Rambo) in their shoes.

As an apologist turned authority I don't defend my comments because I am always right.


That's a great analysis, and I was thinking my mind was the only one that is realistic.


That sounds like you and your friends were a bunch of pussies that had no business trying to fight.Four morons that can't fight is never an advantage.In the movie they still could have gotten away if all three ran in different directions.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Did you ever consider the possibility that this man could multiply into more than one person. Until you've applied this logic to the situation, I don't want to hear anything else from you.

RIP Paul Walker


Did you ever consider the possibility that this man could multiply into more than one person. Until you've applied this logic to the situation, I don't want to hear anything else from you.

At last, a response that is worthy of the title of this thread. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


What would've stopped him from shooting all 3 of them?

And no, whether or not he had a gun was never established. I'm guessing with that amount of planning, he did.

Besides, even if the 3 ran and he didn't have a gun, he likely would've chosen to attack the girl as she was the most disoriented and he would see her as the easiest target. So suspecting that she didn't run. Thus the Blonde Guy wouldn't run and leave her, and thus Weasel Jerk wouldn't run (at that point) out on his own where he would be the target.


What makes me think he didnt have a gun is the fact that he killed the man who was walking his dog and the police officer(or whatever he was)with a *beep* crowbar!
If he had a gun he could have used it to kill those two much faster!


Did you ever consider he wanted to enjoy himself?

RIP Paul Walker


You're forgetting that the Blonde guys plan of running, is running into a car that doesn't work, therefore we will try that again, he will find him and kill him.

RIP Paul Walker



pshh yaaah riiiight. so let's talk about in REAL LIFE. are you willing to risk being that one that wouldnt have "escaped with their lives"? Like the original post said, let's keep in mind that if we were actually in a situation like this, nervous as all hell, freezing cold, an just having seen two people beat to death with his bare hands, i dont think ANY ONE of you would be riling up to step up to him first, 3 of u or not. If so, that would make your actions foolish, not theirs. Without knowing if he's indeed alone and doesnt have a weapon and willing to just run out blindly (possibly into more traps like that wire/string) is idiotic. we are shown how meticulously he planned everything....I think I would have just waited it out for someone to find me in that situation too.....not what i THINK i'd do or COULD do sitting safely in the comfort of my own home watching a movie about it.


but if two can escape and one dies, who would want to be that one person?

you can't turn a turtle into a racehorse, but you can make it into a very fast turtle!


If you want to see a movie about a genius serial killer watch "Mr. Brooks" or Seven, or better yet read the hannibal books...seriously the school systems today are falling short if you call anyhting in this film genius. I admit it was cool that the killer thought things out, but c'mon this is not worthy of that as everything had to go just his way and the whole thing about the protagonist taking the fall?! In actually well written films people do not have to explain how the victims did everything wrong in order for the "genius killer" to kill them...it happens because they think of everything.
I think you need to pay attention a little more. I am too tired and this really is not important enough to explain, but I explained part of what is wrong in detail in another thread...please refer to it if you must.


If you want to see a movie about a genius serial killer, I suggest you watch this movie again. Clearly you misunderstood what this movie was getting at. In a few years, this movie will be highly praised, and will raise the bar for the expectations of movies. Clearly you can't see that this movie will change everything for the better. Personally I'm excited to see the changes, while sheep like you continue to ignore the genius of this movie.

RIP Paul Walker


The primary plight of the characters seemed more realistic and natural than given credit for:

1.) The man is an unknown.

2.) The man could be carrying any number of weapons.

3.) The man could be significantly stronger than either man or somehow better equipped.

4.) The man is the only one who came prepared to the ATM with the intent to create the situation. He was not deterred by 3 people inside.

5.) The three people inside note #4 which further deflates any confidence on their part.

6.) There is no way of knowing how many men may be out there.

7.) Most people are loathe to instigate a physical altercation. They would naturally wait to defend themselves rather than voluntarily escalate the situation further.

a. How would they go about attacking the man? They would be unlikely to catch him if they aggressed.

b. The altercation is undesirable in the first place, unlikely for them to be able to force, and would only result in sacrificing the meager protection of the ATM box.

9.) The man commits murder in front of them...twice. I'm pretty sure that sucked the life out of whatever bravado these guys could muster.

10.) It wasn't immediately evident that an altercation had to take place as they believed they were being robbed.

11.) The man's intent toward them was unclear and confusing even once things had escalated to murder. Returning to point 7, it would further waver the two men from a confrontation. Each time they back-pedaled from such an event they raised the perceived stakes and risks, making them more likely to avoid such an action.

12.) When they exhausted all other options they attempted to run. This seems realistic to me. It turned out badly...albeit very unrealistically.

Of course, the film was executed fairly stupid for the most part, but the premise of the situation stands as being a tricky one that people would not know how to react to. For the most part, I found the protagonists unwillingness to act and confusion as how to do so very natural.


Clearly they didn't want to hurt the guys feelings. These were very sensitive people, and they didn't want to ruin his fun. You should be ashamed of yourself for not understanding that key concept. You're knowledge of film entertainment is pathetic.

RIP Paul Walker


Good One. Hahahaha.


Forget the plot holes and questionable behavior. What makes this movie so atrocious is the dialogue.



RIP Paul Walker


The movie started out lame, what about their parking? Who parks their car 20 feet from an ATM in the cold, no one! I drive the car up on the sidewalk and stuff because of the cold. I also leave it running and don't turn off the engine.
And the firealarm, took them over 1 hour to figure out it had one, also the ATM is not waterproof like a freaking pool! Oh no I'm drowning, in a ATM.


Addressed in the movie. The Jerk literally says, 'Oh, I see you're punishing me' or something like that. Blonde Guy makes him walk a little in the cold for the huge ****blocking inconvenience.


The flaw in this though, is the longer he takes, the longer it takes for the other 2 to have sex. Unless they were planning to have sex in the car, then :(

RIP Paul Walker


Have you ever tried drowning yourself in an ATM. Try it, and if you respond back, then you obviously didn't try it and should be ashamed for lying to me.

RIP Paul Walker



they noticed the firealarm right away, but none of them had a lighter. This was made clear in movie.


Clear these up for me please.
1. I don't understand why three logical people would park a car so far from an ATM machine, in an empty parking lot, in freezing cold weather.
2. All three said logical people left their cell phones in (an unlocked) car.
3. Earlier on, when noticing the fire sprinkler and Corey was asked if he had a lighter, he denied it. Yet later, David and whatsherface found a lighter on him. Now what possible reason would he lie under those circumstances for?
4. All of them would be literally shaking from the cold and at least one would have made a run for it out of desperation for that reason. That said, they would have decided if one was going to go, all would go and as mentioned in other reviews and posts, split up and go in sepearate directions. All will die if they stay there, that is fact so might aswell try to save two rather than all three.


They ask him this previously to killing the other guy that comes in. He puts on the guys coat and that guy has a pack of ciggs and a lighter. That's the answer to #4.


Excuse me #3.


The lighter is not from Corey. It's from the dead guy coat that Corey took.


1. Clearly the one guy is an idiot, which would make 2 logical people, and one illogical, so they figured he wouldn't even know how to use an ATM machine, so they figured they'd have enough time to have sex in the car while he was busy.

2. Have you ever tried leaving your cell phone in a car. I suggest you try it one day, that way I can have the satisfaction of calling you an idiot for leaving your cellphone in a car.

3. Go find a kitten, because this question upsets me.

4. There are 2 theories to this. The first theory is that guy is capable of multiplying into multiple people. That's actually the most obvious theory, and was mentioned in the dialogue numerous times. The second theory, well clearly you wouldn't even be able to understand it even if I explained it to you.

RIP Paul Walker


1) the guy purposely parked the car far from the atm to "punish" his friend for cock blocking.
2) they probably all thought they were gonna be in and out of there quickly....plus corey's phone was dead, he threw the drivers phone so he prob just hadnt picked it up yet, and the girl was just going in to see what the hold up was and get em to leave so probably didnt think about hauling all her crap with her (granted her phone was in her purse).
3) The lighter was in the jacket of the guy they killed, remember? Corey put it on after they killed him because he was cold. They probably didnt think to check after all the traumatic stuff they were dealing with at the time (i.e. I'd say having a good friend DIE in front of u makes for a pretty good distraction to rationality, dont you??!)
4) To me, after all that I would have witnessed at that point, I think it would seem the opposite....inevitable that I'd die if i left the sanctuary of the atm box rather than run like an idiot unarmed out of there, this time with only two people instead of 3.

you guys need to stop thinking like your Iron Man and start thinking realistically. I doubt any of you would be willing to step up to that dude in real life after watching him murder 3 people. anybody saying otherwise is only lying to themselves, not some smart hero.


3. Earlier on, when noticing the fire sprinkler and Corey was asked if he had a lighter, he denied it. Yet later, David and whatsherface found a lighter on him. Now what possible reason would he lie under those circumstances for?

You did not pay attention to the movie. Corey does not have a lighter or cigarettes in his possession. David and the girl found the lighter on Corey after he had taken the coat off of the person who attempted to walk into the ATM that they ambushed. The lighter and cigarettes weren't Corey's they were in the coat of a different character. So Corey didn't have a lighter when his David and the female coworker asked him earlier in the movie.


Okay have to put this because someone feels they can dumb down people with witty dialogue they have heard fr someone else on a movie board...with that out of the way the writer had no clue what he or she was doing. The film was doomed
From the jump with is little schematics of a parking lot and am ATM. There was nothing ingenious about this movie it tried to hard to play on the psyche of the viewer and failed miserably. We've seen movies like this before and score big time with how it's portrayed not how it's written. Take SAW for example wasn't anything grandiose about the film and it wasn't all that great but used what magicians use...Misdirection. This film rehashed old movies before SAW and did nothing to improve on a genre that nobody cares about. Films like CAR, and the hitchhiker was so psychologically scary it made it work. ATM failed on so many levels I can't believe you an intellectual human being would feel this was a masterpiece in American cinema. Not saying u said that but know its something you feel it is. The mistakes where do I start.

1. He beats the crap out of the dog walker and the three just watch him do it.

2. Mall cop arrives and all they do is yell at him. Hey I got an idea run at him like your crazy so he realizes that's something is wrong.

3. Easy to over power any man or woman. Man kick in the nuts woman punch her in her boobs both very sensitive and very effective.

4. Cop car is sitting there when they get Cory aka skinny josh they come to the realization of hey lets go back to the ATM and not get into the cop car and drive skinny josh to the hospital.

I see what you were trying to get across but next time pick a film that 1. Has been in the theater. 2. Has at least one A list actor and josh from drake and josh doesn't count and 3. Wasn't something you watched on Netflix like each and everyone else did who posted on here.


Typical response full of bull from someone who thinks the only reason a person cannot like a movie that he likes because they are not smart enough to "get it." These responses are even more irritating than the "Worst Movie Ever" posts that accompany each movie on IMDB.

"This movie is really good and you would agree if you understood what it is about."

You know, contrary to your beliefs, most people understand plenty of movies and still don't like them. People who did not like this movie are not going to do a 180 just because you explain what the movie is about. Get over yourself.


How about you get over yourself. People who are too stupid to understand this is a glorious movie, have no right to talk or even share their opinions.

RIP Paul Walker


Bottom line here the execution, pardon the pun, was poor.

1. The lighter was a big mistake.

2. If the killer had everything planned out how come there was that light bulb above his head when he found the hose?

btw, that hose, in the middle of no where, a fireman's hose at that, was a little too convenient.

and he lives in a storage facility where there's a secret compartment, so he can plan all his capers? Lol

not mention the video showed a lot more than the pieces the director/writer showed? Why was the video just showing little snips? PLEASE!!! OH YEAH, because the serial killer planned it that way.

Anyone who takes this piece of dung seriously I have some swamp land down in Florida you may be interested in.



I agree that your comment is a 3/10, since this movie is clearly a 10/10, so you can't be talking about that.

RIP Paul Walker


bc renting out a storage unit and owning a desk with drawers in it is unheard of??? LOL. and how do u know he lives there and doesnt just go there to "plan all his capers"?

the hose was just a plus (but yea i miss why it was there in the first place too). he probably initially was just planning on having them freeze to death.


So wait, what can you remember from the movie that you think you could've found on the CTV footage that would be really good evidence that would implicate someone other than the people seen in the footage?


And what can you remember from the movie that you think you could've found on the footage that would be really good evidence that would implicate someone of the people seen in the footage when everything in it matches with the whole story that David would tell the police?

"Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
