MovieChat Forums > Midnight in Paris (2011) Discussion > After a second viewing I realized someth...

After a second viewing I realized something (spoilers)

I realized that Inez wasn't that bad at all.

The first time I watched I thought she was horrible. But after watching again I realized that she's nothing but supportive of Gil. Always putting up with his antics, always defending him when her parents disapprove of him. He pretty much neglects her and never spends time with her. I think Gil was the main problem more then she was.


She wasn't supportive of him at all. One of the very first scenes she makes him promise he'll go back to hollywood if being a novelist doesn't pan out immediately (note: being a novelist never pans out immediately). She makes fun of him for going on walks, or walking in the rain to help his creative process. And her cheating was just the icing on the cake.

On top of all that, she was just an *beep* in general. Jumping to conclusions and instantly accusing the "help" of stealing. "You always take the side of the help!"


I thought the exact same way the first time I saw it. But I started looking at things differently the second time around.

It's pretty clear Gil didn't care about Inez either. She was just thinking about their future together, he wasn't. If he wasn't making any money from being a novelist, why wouldn't he go back to Hollywood? It's only the logical thing to do.

And how is it any different that he sneaks off to see Adriana every night?

It was her parents and her friends always wondering where he was. She would defend him by telling them he went on walks to find his inspiration. She didn't make fun of him at all. In fact, she didn't have anything bad to say about him the entire movie, until they broke up.

Oh and the blaming the help scene. Was he not the one stealing the earrings in the first place? LOL

She might have been a bitch. But he was a neurotic narcissist. They both had their flaws.


I think it is fair to say that Gil and Inez were vastly incompatible, which is not so much a matter of fault as a matter of two people with totally different ideals needing to not be together.


Gil did cheat on Inez too, and stole from her for that matter. Honestly, I didn't think either character was very likable.


No. She was constantly putting him down/belittling him IN PUBLIC NO LESS!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


She was a brat on first viewing and every viewing since.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


She was incredibly unsupportive of him. Every time he brought up and idea or thought, she would roll her eyes and be dismissive. She was condescending, selfish, impatient, and extremely disrespectful to him (the way she would talk to him in front of their friends).


Wasn't that bad at all?

From the first scene I started hating her.
She is so different from Gil, I don't understand how they could be together. She is like her family, who values money and job on top of everything else.
The guy is trying to do what he loves, but she tries to put him down on every occasion instead of supporting him. Then she make fun of him in public. I would had left her way earlier. Probably the first or second scene! How can you want him to spend more time with her when all she does is against him.
Sorry I just watched it and hated the girl with a passion!


THIS! Exactly, she was a total bitch. I would have dumped her from the moment she would have started to humiliate me in front of people. This is not a healthy relationship.


I didn't like either Inez or Gil very much. Inez was written to be nearly unlikable, I felt. She was constantly belittling Gil, cutting him off/talking over him, acting ridiculous in Paul's presence, being extremely materialistic and generally being no fun at all.

That said, Gil gave me a bad taste. I know they weren't actually married yet, but I thought it was pretty shameful that he totally pursued Adriana and tried to make it work out so she would sleep with him. He cheated on Inez. And she cheated on him. The whole situation was just ugly.

I did like the commentary on nostalgia, and how it can be such a trap and an stops us from ever noticing what is truly beautiful in the present. And yet also acknowledging that nostalgia can be like a lovely dream. I like the fact that the movie is self-aware of how romantic and unrealistic it is being, while still luxuriating in the fantasy. But overall the movie was soured a bit for me, because there was no character that I found myself rooting for. They were all behaving dismally.


I agree that Gil wasn't so great either, and her cheating gave him an excuse for his prior cheating behavior.


Are you *beep* kidding me??
