MovieChat Forums > Midnight in Paris (2011) Discussion > Why do all the actors in Woody Allen mov...

Why do all the actors in Woody Allen movies sound like Woody Allen?

First I am a huge WA fan. Seen all his films many times over, but...
All the stuttering and stumbling and NY-accented words! My gosh! Is he such a strong director that even the female actors (Mia Farrow is the most pathetic example) sound just like they are doing impressions of him?
I can't think of any other director who imprints his own personality and quirky speech patterns on his actors.

I'm going to post this on every board of every Woody Allen movie until I get answer!


To me he just sounded like Owen Wilson in a Woody Allen film. The protagonists in his films do tend to carry around his personal quirks and neuroses- something that has to do more with the writing than anything, many of his characters are plagued with severe anxiety and various internal conflicts- but I felt that Owen made the character his own, very believable performance. I guess this begs the question, why does Woody always write about himself? Because his films typically explore his vision of the world would be one explanation. Some would call this being extremely self-centered. I don't necessarily care as he is a creative genius and I have enjoyed so many of his films- always unique, witty, humorous....this one was fantastic.


I can easily think of another director whose speech patterns are imprinted on the actors. Quentin Tarantino.


I've been wondering this for years & have concluded that it is due to his reputedly being a single take director, so when an actor asks for direction on how a character should behave, Woody does a quick impression & that's what sticks.


I too have noticed this but I don't hear it in Wilson in this instance. I think it's a result of his screenwriting. It all reads very much like Woody sounds. The subject matter is usually quite similar too. I also like the theory of the "one take director" that someone else replied to you on.


I would have thought it was obvious - that is the point. All of Woody's films express his ideas and philosophy and usually the main character is the vehicle for this expression. So they have to be true to Woody's own character to be authentic, now that Woody feels he is too old (and is too old) to take romantic lead parts.

Sometimes there are a number of characters which sound like Woody, and that represents his internal dialogue.
