No Edith Wharton?

Wonder why ,she ran in the same circles.


Maybe she's not well-known enough. I mean people who haven't even read Hemmingway and the Fitzgeralds have at least heard the name.


Alongside Wharton, James Joyce seems to be another oddly missing figure.


She would have been older and wiser, and a welcome sight in the film!

The New York Rangers suck. And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby!


I don't think their presence was really missed and besides that, the film already gets enough stick from its detractors with the luminaries Allen included. In that regard, MiP just can't seem to get a break.


I guess there were simply too many other famous writers and artists that could have been included in the movie: Maurice Chevalier, Mistinguette, Brassai, Andre Kertesz, Picabia, Foujita and so on and on ... just far too many.


I was disappointed Sylvia Beach didn't make an appearance. A scene in her bookstore would have been primo.


I'm more surprised Ezra Pound didn't make it into the film. But I'm super happy Cole Porter made an appearance.
