Eric Dale

What is up with Eric Dale's character and his need to calculate everything in his head? There were two times, when he was talking about building a bridge in his previous career, and when talking about how much he was getting paid to sit in the room. I found it to be very weird and it seemed like he was showing off his math skills. Why was that written into the script and are Wall Street analysts really like that?



Wasn't he originally an engineer?


I thought the point of it was to illustrate how the work on the bridge represented a real value that had a real benefit for real people, unlike his current work shuffling loans around and getting paid a lot of money for it.


They could've done that with his using round estimates rather than showing off with exact calculations.


I think the point is to show how people with skill and precision have lured away from engineering jobs for lucrative jobs in finance. Eric's intelligence could have been used to actually build things but instead it was used to build portfolios built on fluff.


You're the only one who got it, besides me, in this thread at least!


Spot on.


also, to show he's a bit ocd ;)


I think the point of that was to show that "the workers" and their immediate manager (Dale) knew what they were doing (figures wise) while every other "Manager" up the chain had no idea what they were talking about and had to have it explained to them all.

From Will to Sam to Cohen to even Tuld in the big meeting saying "Explain it to me like I'm a Labrador" or whatever he said.

These upper management guys are getting paid a fortune and don't even know what's happening around them. I think its funny.


It's the man above the big men that pulls the strings and knows EXACTLY what's going on.


No, Tuld really is the smartest man in whatever room. He undersells himself to put people at ease, but the speed with which he reels off the year of every crash in modern history shows that he is the only one in the movie with the chessboard view.


Wow, people really think that's an impressive feat? A CEO of a bank knowing the years of the major financial crises?
