MovieChat Forums > Margin Call (2011) Discussion > The plot is too technical, really hard t...

The plot is too technical, really hard to understand

At least, for people like me who don't know a damn about the subject. That's the only reason why I really couldn't enjoy this movie. It wasn't boring at all, good performances and a great cast, but the story relied too much in the techincal aspects of the subplot development. After finishing it, I still didn't understand anything. I really think this kind of movies are meant for a specific kind of audience, not for anybody. Or else, we should talk directly about a mistake in the writing, for not making the story a bit more clear for those who don't know about investments, finances and all. This was literally impossible to follow for me.


I agree with you, but with a second viewing, it all became clear. Try it again and I think it will make more sense.


Yep, guess I have to. Thanks.



Thankfully I watched Inside Job before this film or else I wouldn't have known the technical aspects of it either. Inside Job does a great job of laying out the financial aspects of what happened prior to the collapse and how it contributed to it. It's not too hard to understand once it's laid out for you. So yeah, my recommendation is to watch Inside Job beforehand.


Inside Job is a bad propaganda movie so don't try to lie here.


Did I say it wasn't propaganda? No.

Did I say it described the financial aspects? Yes

No documentary is without bias. I know what I'm recommending, thanks.


Don't be such an ass. He's simply saying that a documentary about the financial world, helps when trying to understand a movie about the financial world. Pretty simple point really.


Propaganda doesn't help.


I found the film dense a bit difficult to process on a first viewing.

However, it has been playing pretty regularly on the satellite up here in
Canada, and I always find i wind up putting it on... The more you watch it
the more you process. It really is a pretty fine movie!

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple..."



I don't feel I really had to understand the technical aspects to fully enjoy this film. To simplify, the firm in this film is holding onto to a bunch of near worthless paper and makes a decision to dump the paper before anyone else figures out how worthless the paper really is, thereby cutting their own losses at the expense of everyone else.


in life there is always a category of movie that comes under the list
"This should be shown in every high school".
Unfortunately this one needs to be on the list of, "needs to be seen 2 or 3 times in high school.... and explained."

OR nothing will ever change.


The performances were enough for me to enjoy it.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
