Whole movie annoying

I agree with most of the complaints throughout this board, including the plot being full of holes, the lame villain, the cliches at every corner, etc. This movie in no way compares to the first, which was fresh, original and sweet. I just want to add my own complaint, since it doesn't look like anyone else has mentioned it: WHY is Toothless suddenly acting like a dog in this movie?? In the first he was distinctly cat-like, which I found appealing because it was more mysterious, and suddenly here he's all slobbering and panting, like every other furry animated sidekick we've seen. Couldn't they have just kept the original kitty-style Toothless?
Anyone else notice the change?


At the end of the first movie, Hiccup wakes up in bed to see Toothless in his home, cat-like crawling up on the beams, and knocking things over everywhere like an excited puppy. In the scene where Hiccup first feeds him, Toothless regurgitates part of the meal in a totally wolf-like manner, then watches him, expectantly, as a dog would. Toothless has always been a mix of cat, dog, and other familiar lovable animals.
