Son of a...

Now that this got nominated it will probably win the Oscar. It's a shame too, because The Lego Movie was 10 times better than this piece of garbage.


Go bitch on The LEGO Movie board, buddy.


You're completely entitled to your completely wrong opinion.


The Lego Movie as only "10 times better" than a "piece of garbage"??? No wonder it didn't get nominated!


To be fair, Big Hero 6 was more deserving of being snub than Lego Movie.

BH6 could (and should) have been an amazing movie, a runaway winner, but it pulled back, played it safe by cramming together a lot of elements from superhero movies and HTTYD1, and even after all that, they immediately undercut any emotion from that--frankly, unnecessary--pocket universe scene by immediately bringing back Beymax.

Lego Movie was much more creative and original than BH6 wound up being.


I think that both Lego Movie and Big Hero 6 are both deserving of the Oscar. But I think that both movies falter from poor third acts. Big Hero 6 sorta turned into a standard superhero movie, and The Lego Movie's live action segment just felt heavy handed. And How To Train Your Dragon 2 was ok, but a big disappointment to me.


I agree about the third acts in both movies, and you have an interesting point, in my opinion, the third act of HTTYD2 was its strongest.

I keep going back to the first one and thinking about what I would have changed that would have made the movie better, and I keep coming away with: nothing, really. It's damn near perfect. And I'm not throwing that out lightly, it's what I've come to think.

I can think of a few things that I wish they would have fleshed out better in the sequel, things that would have tweaked just a bit, but ever since I saw 2 the first time, the answer to "Which one do you like better?" has been emphatically, "the second one."

I can't explain it. Maybe it's the ambition behind it that's evident. Maybe because its best parts are better than most of what I loved from the first.

But perhaps its because I felt it ended strong. And perhaps why it got the nod.

Either way, if I had to pick only two of the three major animated movies this year, it would be HTTYD2 and Lego.


because The Lego Movie was 10 times better than this piece of garbage.

And The Tale of Princess Kaguya is ten time better than the Lego movie but it still won't win.


I love both Dragon 2 and LEGO Movie so it wouldn't matter to me which movie won.

Then again, the Oscars are a joke.


Couldn't disagree with you more. The Lego Movie had a lot going for it, but it was over-actioned and repetitive in its story. This was sublime, layered, and on the epic scale. Sorry you didn't like it.
