MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > So we aren't getting a 3rd movie because...

So we aren't getting a 3rd movie because of pirates?




I doubt it. Blaming "pirates" is just a way for Hollywood to blame somebody or something.

Yes internet make movies accessible easily to watch free. True. But they have also much more ways to make moneys out of movie today. All sorts of video rentals services while in the 80s and 90s you pretty much only had the video stores. I don't claim to know exactly how movies work, but i know Nintendo really fough the video stores for games rentals back in the days, so sometimes i wonder if video stores pay money to the compagnies to rent those movies.

So yes there some people that will download, but probably a *beep* ton that rent it on there cable box, xbox live services, playstation store or whatever else online rental stores that exist.

Those are especially overpriced... 6$+ taxes for a freaking movie rental? I pay 7.50$ for the theatre !!! So yeah they do make there money im sure. Personally i often go at the video store to rent, its a much more tolerable 3$ ... plus my local video store is also a convenient store so it sell beer. :) Only thing is going back the next day to return the movie... annoying a bit but oh well...

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


Blaming "pirates" is just a way for Hollywood to blame somebody or something.
Likely. This is pretty ordinary compared to the first one and the masses reacted accordingly.🐭


VHS rental copies came out before you could buy the movie a lot of times and I think some cost over 200 dollars
per tape so they made good money with VHS Rentals maybe like 100/150 in the 80s
renting at 4-5$ maybe 3.50


Whatever the reason, they should finish and finally do a 3rd one. Obviously not to follow the last trade but i dont see why they cant pull ideas from it.


Nowadays a movie has to triple its money or more to even be worth a sequel. I hope they can still do one -- but somehow I doubt it....


Yet every Marvel/DC film has never ending sequels! When's the rule of diminishing returns going to stop all that nonsense? Thought Iron Man 3 would've killed them, with so many seeing that horribleness!
I actually blame the first film - it was nowhere near as good or as popular as the hype suggested, it was just fairly original and had shock value. Shock value is hard to follow.
They could make a straight to video 3rd, with maybe 1 or 2 of the cast who're no longer getting work - it would be even worse than this terrible poop No.2 though. Be careful what you wish for.


One of the few comic books I bought because of the movie, I was waiting for the 3rd and Final Movie so I could buy the whole set together.
They would have to change a bit if they wanted to keep the same actors, but maybe now they should just reboot the whole thing or do 3 seasons of it as a series now.


Those scurvy dogs!
