MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > Hit girl as a child was able to take on ...

Hit girl as a child was able to take on fully grown men and easily win

even though mother Russia is some freak of a woman there is no reason that there should have been that big of a gap between the two. since Hit girl as a child was able to physically take on fully grown adults Hit girl as a teenager should be far more powerful as a teenager

throughout the fight between Her and Mother Russia i was yelling to myself about all the openings Hit girl had. the problem was that mother Russia was slow her movements were these gigantic movements and she had dozens upon dozens of openings that could have been exploited by an expert in hand to hand combat. hit girl was a prodigy as a child and should have easily been able to see those openings and exploit them. ultimately she did but only after the adrenaline which was a bit stupid if she could find those openings with the adrenaline she could have found them without the adrenaline as well



- Play with monkeys, put bananas in hidden places -


All the man she killed in the first movie, she was either armed of firearms, blades. Also lots of them where street thugs and low level goons.

Remember its a movie, there is always the "boss factor" coming into play. Even when its a dude that is the hero taking on other dudes. Take the old kickboxing flick of the 90s. The Hero destroy Goons 3-4 at a time, but when comes the more experienced "bad ass" main vilain, he struggle. Take Van Damme in Kickboxer for exemple. Tong Po ain't that big, and he let tons of openning. But the movie build him as a tank, so its the same thing for Mother Russia here. Once Hit-Girl's spear or halbard (not sure how to kill it exactly in english) is broken, she pretty much fight hand to hand against her. Her punches are nowhere solid enough to take down the tank that is Mother Russia. Remember she catches the Colonel's punch and crush his hand, a well grown and solid man.

So personally i liked the difference in style and how the fight went down. It was perfect that it was a big tank of a woman, cause a "Nathan Jones type of guy" would had seem a bit too unrealistic even for her lol.

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


The movie took rather extreme pains to depict Mother Russia as being in a class of her own in terms of strength, toughness, fighting ability, and improvisation. She wasn't in any way similar to the adults that Hit Girl had taken out in the past. That was the whole point of the scene where she takes out ten cops all by herself. She accomplished superhuman feats, took out cops without trying, and even came up with some unusual (and nasty) tricks, like using a lawnmower, to break the monotony. She was, in fact, the closest any character in the movie came to actually being super-powered. Her resiliency and ability to beat down Hit Girl wasn't out of the blue -- it was very overtly foreshadowed. There was an excellent reason for this, in fact. For the climax to have any tension whatsoever, Hit Girl had to encounter an opponent worthy of her abilities. Without Mother Russia, there's no realistic reason Hit Girl doesn't just sort of plows through the army of super-villains and watches as Kick Ass takes on Chris (I suspect IMDb will disapprove if I try to type his villain name.) All that would be left for her to do is step in if things are going south for Kick Ass.

Mother Russia, and her ability to match Hit Girl, was a narrative necessity after creating a character (Hit Girl) who has pretty much no equal in terms of fighting ability in the film. Would you buy the premise that any of the other characters could do more than momentarily slow her down? Mother Russia wasn't just a good fighter, she was so tough that Hit Girl had trouble hurting her. It's a classic trope of the huge, strong seemingly impervious fighter finally being taken out by the clever, less strong one (in this case, fooling Mother Russia into injecting Hit Girl with the adrenaline.)
