MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > Kick Ass 2 - Dave's first love Katie + H...

Kick Ass 2 - Dave's first love Katie + Help

I just finished up watching for the first time Kick Ass 2.
I saw the 1st 2 days ago and I freky love it, I love Dave and Katie role.

But now I'm really upset. I saw the 2nd and I hated the way they despised Katie from the moment I saw the separation I was always hoping that on the end they would come back together but instead she just got forgothen and Dave just make a Sl*t.
And why did the Hit-Girl kissed him? First Katie then Night bit.. then Hit Girl?

He should always stick which is first love!

I was really in love with those 2.

If there is ever a third please make them back together.

Does anyone know if there is some movie/tv show like this? With some teenager and something like Dave&Katie?



But now I'm really upset. I saw the 2nd and I hated the way they despised Katie from the moment I saw the separation I was always hoping that on the end they would come back together but instead she just got forgothen and Dave just make a Sl*t.

I hated that too. A lot of people had a problem with it. It's just due to lazy writing. So frustrating.


First loves almost never last. Plus IMO Katie wasn't that likeable to begin with. She only wanted to hang with him because she wanted a gay friend. I was glad they wrote her off. Hit girl is way more likeable


First loves almost never last.

True enough

I was glad they wrote her off.

Me too, but not the way they did it - she wasn't that selfish or cruel in the first flick

I could see her dumping him for the same reason Rachel dumped Bruce in Dark Knight - if he chooses to be a hero and risk his life, she won't stick with him and watch him die (having nearly watched him die on TV in the prior film)


Kick-Ass and Night Bitch are much cooler and sexier couple than K-A with Katie.


The way they handled Katie's character in the sequel was really disappointing to me. It didn't ruin the movie for me, but I feel like it was working to invalidate a lot of what I loved about the original, one of my favorite movies ever. Katie's character wasn't exactly an angel with perfect motives in the first movie, but she was portrayed as genuinely loving him by the end of the movie and now all of a sudden she is secretly having an affair with a dirty junkie at her clinic and breaking up with Dave over an obvious misunderstanding. It was just a really bad and unnecessary plot turn that left a bad taste in my mouth for most of the movie. This movie also could have used more Hit Girl and less McLovin, IMO.




I think the official reason for the Katie role in sequel is due to scheduling conflict for the actress... As you guys i was pretty pissed off when i saw that, i mean Katie was likable in the first movie and he really wanted her, and then she turned into a complete bitch in sequel? Like what?? And the misunderstanding is laughable... I guess they didn't judge the role important enough for a recast and im not sure it would had been the same with another actress (she is so cute lol)

But if there is one point i don't like about the sequel its that. Beside that i really like it personally.

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


In the comics, Katie is a cruel, heartless b*tch to Dave. When she finds out he's Kick-Ass, she harasses and bullies him, and when she realizes he has a crush on her, she uses it against him, and even sends him videos of her blowing her current boyfriend. They do get together later, but it doesn't last and they break up permanently.

The first movie only showed her sweet side while the second movie showed her crueler side, while sticking with the canon break up they have in the comics.

So there's your real "lovable" Katie's character.




Why do you type with your elbows?


In the comics, Katie is a cruel, heartless b*tch to Dave. When she finds out he's Kick-Ass, she harasses and bullies him, and when realizes he has a crush on him, she uses it against him, and even sends him videos of her blowing her current boyfriend. They do get together later, but it doesn't last and they break up permanently.

It was not like that, actually. What happened was that Dave got hurt and she thought that he was gay and she had him be her gay friend. He told her the truth in the end and she was angry at him for the lie. She had her boyfriend beat up Dave, and THEN she started sending him those horrible messages.

Also, bear this in mind, before the assumption that he was gay happened, Dave followed Katie to a tennis club that she played at. She was a bit bitchy to him at first, but then I wondered if he had actually stalked her.

All I need is one mic...
