Jim Carey?!

I will never understand why Jim Carey was cast in this movie.
He is not funny at all.
It felt like he is bored or something
He has a fake nose why? So he doesn't look like Jim Carey?!!
Even the writers felt like killing him.


Oh damn I didn't even know that was him!


Pretty good at recognizing actors, but this was slipped through. Surprised it was him. Hence he did a good job.


You missed the point. He wasn't supposed to be funny. He was supposed to be someone the bad guys didn't want to mess with. I thought he did a good job.

That was a preempted sh! Just know I have a whole bag of sh! with your name on it.


You should cry about it some more. It makes you look cool.


I thought he was really good in his role. I love Colonel Stars & Stripes and may now have my first superhero crush!!!


I've only caught this film half way through while channel surfing. I've seen the 2nd half of this film once before. I caught it again last night. I never new that was Jim Carey. I watched it before and it never occurred to me that was him.

Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?


Its called "acting".
You wouldn't know.

This is not my signature
This is
My signature


I know what acting is. Please place your argument if you want to actually say something.


That's Jim Carrey, not Carey.



Not a single fart sound!


This is not my signature
This is
My signature


I don't like fart jokes. What do you mean?
