MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > Moretz already TOO OLD for Hit-Girl

Moretz already TOO OLD for Hit-Girl

That's the Unique Selling Point of Hit-Girl, that she's essentially a CHILD acting like a grown-up martial artist. But finding an actress of the appropriate age leaves only a very short window for filming, and beyond a certain age, the actress is too old - unfortunately for Chloe Grace Moretz, this happened in K-A 2.


Disagree somewhat, she wasnt too old in KA2. But for a possible KA3 ... probably yes.


Depends on the storyline. If they ran with it and showed her dealing with adult stuff while trying to be a superhero, it could work. It would fit with the other two films too and make a neat trilogy about her growing up (one film about childhood, one about adolescence and one about adulthood).


Instead of kick-ass 3 i would like to see a solo hitgirl movie


It's supposedly in the works (well, a prequel that shows the origin of Big Daddy and Hit Girl, anyway. Which, I assume, would mean recasting the role of HG to a much younger actress?).

We're not playing Yellow Car.--Martin
You're always playing Yellow Car.--Arthur


I would guess that we will see a kick ass movie in 20years time but with their own children reprising the roles


Chloe Moretz would be a granny if she was Hitiel in Kick Ass 3


She was for sure a much more interesting and entertaining character in Kick-Ass 1.
She lost most of her edge and x-factor as she grew into high school age.

The dynamic between Kick-Ass and Hit Girl was also more interesting before it became a romantic sub plot. When she was a child and he was a teenager while she being much more cool and hardcore than he was, was much more backplayed in this movie than the first one.


Not really.
She was still young enough to be HG for this movie.
