MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > It's Pretty Much Official - No Kick Ass ...

It's Pretty Much Official - No Kick Ass 3

While Mark Millar was doing a promotional interview with IGN for Kingsman the subject of Kick Ass came up. On a potential third part Millar had this to say:

"With Kick-Ass 1 we knew we were doing a sequel because the first one cost $28m and made $100m and then did $140m on TV and DVD, so it was a no-brainer – of course there was a Kick-Ass 2. But the second one cost a little less – it cost £24m, but it only made back $60m and with TV money and everything it was slightly in profit. It didn’t lose money. But did it make enough money to justify a third one? You know you’ve always got to listen to the audience, and if people didn’t come out in droves for it, it means there’s no audience."

If even Millar says it's done then that's it as far as I'm concerned. The chances of us seeing a third film are non existent. The sad part is THERE IS an audience for Kick Ass but many of them were put off seeing it by the bile a lot of critics spewed when the film came out - it actually wasn't that bad although yes it should have been better!

The only good news from the article is that Mathew Vaughn apparently still brings up the possibility of a Hit Girl spin off from time to time!

Links below if anyone wants to read the whole thing:


The fact that Gareth Evans was considered as a director, makes it all the more frustrating. He was my top choice to do Kick Ass 3 or at least a Hit Girl movie. Arrgh I was really hoping that they would come back and end the series on a high note, rather than that disappointment that was KA 2.


sad news, the KA franchise would have deserved a trilogy.


that is not a recent article you got that quote from. they're writing the Hit Girl prequel right now. Kick-Ass 3 is already written.


that interview was from January 2015!

neither a HG prequel nor a third KA movie are in the works at the moment. Millar himself said that. They talked about a HG spin-off, but it never happened.

So unless you have a newer, credible link that supports your claim I call BS.


Matthew Vaughn said he and his team are writing it right now and that they finished writing Kick-Ass 3 already, but want to do Hit Girl first.


proof or it doesnt happen


Not sure where he's getting the idea that the script for Kick-Ass 3 is already written, but they are indeed saying a "X-Men: First Class" of a Hit-Gil prequel is still in the works: -happen


Thanks for the link, there is still some hope then it seems.

But I dont understand why they make it that complicated? Why make a prequel? Why not just a HG movie after the events of KA2?


Probably just studio politics. Kick-Ass 2 unfortunately wasn't popular, Kick-Ass 1 was and the standout reason was indeed a foul-mouthed little girl killing everyone in sight, so a prequel about said little girl (even if they have to go cast a new one now) would be considered the most profitable way to go.

Hell, who knows if it will even be marketed as a prequel. Vaughn compared it to his X-Men: First Class which was pretty much a reboot after the disappointment of The Last Stand (and afterwards that franchise was totally retconned with Days of Future Past). Will something similar happen to the Kick-Ass franchise? We'll see.


Dont know about others, but Chloe Moretz is HitGirl.

A recast/reboot would suck. I hope Vaughn can convince her to come back.


I heard there would be no sequel due to piracy.



Yup, the insecure submissive Wadlow ruined the second movie.

The girl friend is supposed to get raped and killed and Wadlow wrote her off. They were able to get the same actress for the girlfriend so why not use her.


That's a real shame! The script for Kick-Ass 2 was dumb (such as the annoying bratty villain, the poorly developed romance between Kick-Ass and Night Bitch, the swear jar bull *beep* Jeff Wadlow was a terrible director who didn't understand the source material and watered the violence down, plus that Jim Carrey's role was overpromoted since he didn't get much screentime.

Almost all this movie did was pissing me off. If they make a very good third one, I can forgive them for this disappointment. But if they don't, I can't.
