MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > Why is there so much sex/nudity in this ...

Why is there so much sex/nudity in this one?

The first one was pretty much over the top violence with no sex, this one was the opposite.

Don't be a hater, dear.


There is no nudity in this one :/ or sex


There WAS sex in the first one, with Katie and Dave, and there was only ONE sex scene between Dave and Night Bitch, but it was only implied, not shown like the one in the first.


There was a sex scene in Kick Ass, him fantasizing about his teacher (I dunno if she goes topless in that scene, I have not seen it in awhile) and references to him masturbating a lot.

Kick Ass 2 maybe had two sex scenes that took place in bathroom stalls so they were mostly implied, and maybe the attempted rape scene that really wasn't rape since he couldn't get it up... and I guess if count a few of pairs of boobs on screen to be "a lot of nudity".

I'd actually say it's about the same... am I missing anything?


there was another sex scene with KA and Katie *beep* in a backyard in part 1.


The only nudity in this one are the girls in the swimming pool, other than that there is none.

There is as much sex as in the first one.

In any case, what's the big deal about it? Given the level of violence, it should be obvious that these movies aren't targeted for children.

And if someone complains about the nudity and sex, it is indicative that they shouldn't be watching this sort of movies in the first place.

The GREATEST ally and BEST friend of christianity throughout history is Satan


Yeah, I found the nude lesbian scene between Chloe Moretz and Claudia Lee during the slumber party to be especially gratuitous and morally questionable.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


You people are so precious.
