MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > What's the target? Is there any message?

What's the target? Is there any message?

I've recently discovered this series only because I saw actors that I liked from other comedies. While both films are fun to watch, I also wonder what kind of target audience they are supposed to have? They have the feel of light comedy movies but with people getting murdered by teen vigilantes, a lot of innocents lose their lives because of the actions of the main characters, not to mention that deaths and amputations are always graphic (although over-the-top).
I'm 30 and I had no problems with this but what is the target audience for these two movies? They seem too childish for most of "grown-ups" and too violent for teens.

Furthermore, I am not a moralist but I wonder what kind of message somebody can get out of these two films. Not that every film needs to have one but I find it hard to really side with teen vigilantes spreading arbitrary "justice" while their immature choices fall on innocent people (like the father of the main character who is killed in prison because of the son). Both *beep* and "Kick-ass" and his team seem to be bad in different ways. Police is not even portraied as really inefficient to justify their presence. Is there any message to be gained from this film? I just ended up siding with the police and I wasn't displeased with the arrest of Kick-ass team either.


there are too many people like you in the world and america, they side with the police against the dead black teens. i guess the message of this movie is definitely not for you, so why would you even bother to know it!


It's junk television. If you want messages, you need a book, the only medium capable of important communication.

The purpose of Kick-Ass is to parody the superhero films, like Spiderman, Batman, and X-Men. I agree its an equal mix of action/adventure and comedy, but there are other movies that combine the two genres similarly.


Message? So you can't just enjoy a damn movie? Its fiction and its for adults. Its clear this movie is not for kids. 17 and older is who this is for. People like you are the problem with the world not our entertainment. Everything is bad bad bad oooooooo the boogie man is coming oh god think of the children


OK, first of all, you shouldn't look for a moral in every movie, especially not in summer blockbusters, since they are made for people of all kind of values and ideals.

I don't know about the first one, but in this one it could be "revenge is bad, and it will destroy you."


The message is: don't have kids. But if you do, make sure you don't die while they're still kids or else they'll dress up in ridiculous costumes, call themselves "heroes" and bring about a whole world of chaos and destruction.


Some of us just watch films to be entertained. We don't need a message or some sort of education out of it.
