MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > Kick-Ass 3 Movie: YOU write the screenpl...

Kick-Ass 3 Movie: YOU write the screenplay

Now that the comic book series has ended, how should a third film be written based on the KA2 ending and adding elements of the KA3 comic? Remember, when last seen Kick-Ass was training to be Iron Man, Hit-Girl was on the lamb, and the MF was an imprisoned cripple - all different from the comic books. The plot will require a lot of "tweaking." Here's some of my suggestions: (Don't be too brutal on me.)

Kick-Ass: Not sure what to do with him now that he's a muscle-bound bad-ass in a metal suit, but the fact that he can take a beating needs to be more emphasized. I like the KA3 comic book ending where he eventually the comic book.

Hit-Girl: Or, Hit-Woman, is out there killing bad guys based on her own judgement. She's still killing people so make her the villain, and Kick-Ass is the only one who can stop her.

Red Mist/The MF: He's crippled and incarcerated. The state can't afford his medical care expenses so he's set free. With his wealth he designs a suped-up Mist Mobile-like wheelchair, changes his evil ways, and reverts back to being Red Mist. He joins Kick-Ass to stop Hit-Girl.

Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker: Marty wonders why Todd was at the Evil Lair and discovers it was Todd who betrayed Dave's dad. Battle Guy battles Ass-Kicker in retaliation for Mr. Lizewski's death.

Marcus: Obsessed with trying to find Hit-Girl/Mindy, he becomes a costumed superhero/vigilante.

Reply with how YOU think the story should go. Better yet, write a screenplay and send it to Matthew Vaughn. That's what Jeff Wadlow did, and whadda ya know, it got made into a movie!


Sorry, but I dont like the idea of Hit Girl being the villain and fighting KA.

Makes no sense with her character and what BD taught her. You *could* make her go towards the "dark side" somewhat (e.g.killing bad guys based on her own judgement), but you have to give her the chance to come back joining the good guys if the sh*t hits the fan and KA needs her help with some really powerful baddies.

I would like to see Uncle Ralph as the main villain. Make him really powerful, badass and scary (and not a joke like the MF). Red Mist could join KA again but eventually they need HG to finish off Uncle Ralph and his organisation.


Sorry, but I dont like the idea of Hit Girl being the villain and fighting KA.

Makes no sense with her character and what BD taught her. You *could* make her go towards the "dark side" somewhat, but you have to give her the chance to come back joining the good guys if the sh*t hits the fan and KA needs her help with some really powerful baddies.

With her character being on her own and hunted down I could see her abandoning her good intentions in favor of her own survival and sees everyone as a threat. The conflict within her would be her strong feelings for Dave/Kick-Ass. But yeah, I could see there being some sort of redemption in the end.


I was never into how Mindy left at the end of the second movie so I would have her get caught by the police somewhere in the very first scene. This would set everything up to be more similar to the comics.

I would also have Todd leave the story instead of Marty leaving for college since I think Marty is a much more likeable character (unless Evan Peters returns)


Just an idea and I havent read the comics, but maybe they should drop all the additional superheroes from the second film. They werent fleshed out enough and just took away screentime from the main characters.
They were cool for the second one but maybe the last one should focus on the core group again.
Maybe keep Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker to resolve Mr. Lezewski´s death.


they should drop all the additional superheroes from the second film. They werent fleshed out enough and just took away screentime from the main characters.
They were cool for the second one but maybe the last one should focus on the core group again.

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Dr. Gravity's statement "We can never do this again" is enough to put the Justice Forever group to rest.


I was thinking the same thing, how Hit-Girl should be arrested in the very first scene.


Truthfully Jeff Wadlow murdered the franchise, so I HIGHLY doubt it gets made.

But I'll try.
Dave and Marty (instead of Todd since Evan Peters didn't return and Wadlow killed Todd completely) rent a place and flip burgers. Maybe Todd kills himself since he didn't realize what he did to Dave. Dave gets a letter in the mail from a jail saying she's been arrested and needs him to get her out. Dave then goes back to the lair for the first time in years, then looks at the old costume he made and gives it a try.

After he gives it a try, I think he gets beaten by thugs and laugh at him. But then meets Valarie.
Realizes its not ready, but calls the superheros together, then the Juicer is a newcomer who stays in the place.

Chris gets new legs and is in Jail. But he then hires a group of people from prison to kill Dave behind peoples backs. Then kill people until Kick-Ass returns. The heroes stand up for them, but end up getting murdered.

Dave and Valarie are hitting it up well, but then realizes he needs to save the world. Mindy finds him, and Chris makes his guys go after him. Mindy kills Chris and the mafia, then Kick-Ass finds out Marty is kidnapped and battles the other thugs.


Pathetic, but Kick-Ass is dead. I'd redo the whole series even...

Whats my favourite episode of Breaking Bad you ask?
The one where Jesse says Bitch.


Truthfully Jeff Wadlow murdered the franchise, so I HIGHLY doubt it gets made.

Dunno, I mean, the guy did what he could, alas, it wasnt enough. On the other hand, I dont get all the hate for the sequel. It wasnt as good as the original and I also have some complaints, but it is far from being terrible.

Anyway, it all depends on Vaughn now. Millar also said that. Vaughn has the rights. And also Chloe said in an interview she only would come back if Vaughn directed the third part.

So lets wait and see.


Read the second comic!

But if Vaughn directed the final one then I say its a complete go.

Whats my favourite episode of Breaking Bad you ask?
The one where Jesse says Bitch.


I know I'll get heat for this but they need to undo the red mist thing. Maybe make it like a vision he has and he instead freaks out hysterically and decides he owes kick ass a favor. I don't like how they did him in the post credits scene. There's gotta be a way to fix that.


Yeah, I agree for the end of the first movie. Its in the comic, but he still has to do it, just in his red-mist costume. In Kick-Ass 2 I say he throws it out and says he's not a hero, he's a villain. Just wish they had it organized.

Whats my favourite episode of Breaking Bad you ask?
The one where Jesse says Bitch.


Ending: Hit Girl realizes what a monster she is and committs seppuku.



i'll write Hit Girl, but i'll leave Kick-Ass 3 to Matthew Vaughan.


Matthew Vaughan? The dummy wouldn't do the second movie, why should he want to do the third?


The beginning shows Hit-Girl sneaking into Uncle Ralph's prison and killing him like in the Hit-Girl comics but then she gets arrested. That's the prologue. That's the setup for the movie which follows closely to the third book. For the Liutenent Stripes thing, I'm not sure...they kinda messed that up in the movies. They'll get one of the heroes do get Chris.


Little tiny skinny girl with twig arms and sparrow legs, goes around beating up armed thugs. High school nerd with glasses and hair in his eyes, gets beaten up by groups of thugs regularly, but with no apparent consequences. Arms get chopped off. Bazookas get fired. F and C bombs get dropped by little children. Ugly betty becomes the prom queen. Big wannabe tarantino bloodbath. The end.


Kick-Ass - Conflicted over his fathers death, he's kept a low profile both in his real life and as a superhero, so no one will ever be hurt because of his superhero persona. As he still feels much guilt over his fathers death he's isolated himself, and rarely hangs out with his friends. He also misses Hit-Girl and is very concerned over what might happen to her on her own. Because of his internal emotional conflicts, he continues to patrol on a regular basis, but only intervenes in the most violent of circumstances. While he's become a full fledged superhero, his isolation and guilt has made him more of a brooding superhero like Batman. As he spends the majority of his time on his own and in isolation, he does nothing but train and hone his fighting skills. Because of this he's becomes a much harder superhero to defeat, bordering on being an equal to Hit-Girl.

Hit-Girl - On the road fighting crime in her vigilante style. Without the balance of Big Daddy or Kick-Ass to keep her grounded, she's become more violent and intolerant in all aspects of her life. Inching towards becoming psychotic.

Red Mist/Mother *beep* - Escapes from prison. Becomes "lil Mother *beep* (Or some appropriate play on his name due to his crippled stature) and spends all his wealth to extract revenge on Kick-Ass & Hit-Girl.

[b]Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker
- "Retired" and living as slackers but constantly reliving their accomplishment of KA2 with each other.

The Plot
"lil Mother *beep* spends all his time in hiding, recuperating and plotting his revenge. Because of Kick-Ass's discretion and covert crime fighting, he's become harder to find. "lil Mother *beep* has repeatedly tried to tempt & lure Kick-Ass out into the open by sending his evil henchmen to capture him. Because of his improved suit and skills, they've failed every time, infuriating "lil Mother *beep* even more.

"lil Mother *beep* hears rumors of several mysterious & violent deaths of notorious and villainous individuals and suspect it's Hit-Girl. He decides the way to Kick-Ass is to capture Hit-Girl and force Kick-Ass to come to him and save her, subsequently killing them both.

"lil Mother *beep* sends several bad guys as bait into the last suspected area she was in to go on a crime spree. While they are nothing but bait, the rest of "lil Mother *beep* massive crime organization is watching them, and waiting to trap Hit-Girl with all manners of high-tech gear and weapons. When Hit-Girl surfaces to kill the bad guys, they successfully catch her off guard (As she wrongly believes "Mother *beep* died in KA2) and captures her.

"lil Mother *beep* Skype's Kick-Ass with Hit-Girl in the background being tortured. "lil Mother *beep* taunts Kick-Ass and promises to kill Hit-Girl and make her death a painful one. He tells him where they are and dares Kick-Ass to come save her. With Hit-Girl in the background telling Kick-Ass she can take care of herself, and not to be a "dumb ass" and fall for "lil Mother *beep* pussy trap. "lil Mother *beep* continually taunts Kick-Ass to come by beating on Hit-Girl. She takes the beating while spewing out a whole barrage of insults at "lil Mother *beep* and his henchmen. Right before "lil Mother *beep* disconnects, she vows to kill him. Which causes all of "lil Mother *beep* henchmen to beat on her simultaneously as the screen goes blank. Kick-Ass is overwhelmed with emotion and lets his anger take control over the fact someone else's life is in danger over him, and vows to save her.

Kick-Ass tells Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker he must leave to save Hit-Girl. At first they tell him to call Marcus. Kick-Ass refuses due to all of the deaths they were part of in KA2 and are concerned his friends would be prosecuted as murders. They then offer to help and go along. Kick-Ass reluctantly tells them he doesn't think they can take care of themselves and he refuses to put any more lives in danger. Upset their friend doesn't believe in them, they end the conversation on a sour note and leave.

As Kick-Ass attempts to infiltrate "lil Mother *beep* evil lair he gets caught. "lil Mother *beep* wants to drag out their deaths and keep them alive for as long as possible so he can torture them. Instead of immediately kill them, he has them connected to various medical equipment & brings in medical professionals with dubious ethics to keep them alive. They are kept there for days/weeks. As "lil Mother *beep* has bad days and gets frustrated with life, he goes to where he keeps them and inflicts more pain/damage on them. With all hard feelings forgotten about, Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker become concerned when they don't hear from their friend.

As Kick-Ass has matured as a superhero, he developed various secret superhero gadgets (one being a smart phone built into his suit). During a session with one of the medical professionals, Kick-Ass is untied so he can be worked on. In spite of being beaten and battered, he manages to sum the energy to over power the medical professional and gets to his battle suit. He calls Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker, telling them he and Hit-Girl need help, and where them location is. He is soon discovered, overcome and subdued by "lil Mother *beep* henchmen, and tried back up to the medical table.

Not knowing Kick-Ass contacted anyone, and simply thought he was trying to get to his suit to fight him, "lil Mother *beep* wasn't expecting anyone else to come to the rescue. Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker are able to walk into "lil Mother *beep* evil lair as food caterers. Once in, they switch into their superhero outfits and successfully (albeit comically) defeat some evil henchmen on their search for Kick-Ass & Hit-Girl.

Once they find & free them. The 4 debate how to take down "lil Mother *beep* and his evil organization once and for all. Hit-Girl wants to kill everyone, but Kick-Ass refuses as his superhero ethics won't let him do that. Realizing during their debate she needs the balance of Kick-Ass to keep herself from becoming a psychopath, she relents and gives in. They realize once "lil Mother *beep* is caught, his whole organization will take off because they're there simply because of the money. They figure out a strategy to catch "lil Mother *beep* so they can turn him over to the cops.

As they implement their plan, Kick-Ass takes the evil henchmen down as quickly and as humanly as possible. Hit-Girl doesn't kill anyone but does her best to maim and mutilate them with as much damage as possible. Battle Guy & Ass-Kicker manage to assist but offer the comical relief.

As the 4 close in on "lil Mother *beep* he becomes more desperate to see them die. Hit-Girl reaches "lil Mother *beep* first, and she tells him she promised Kick-Ass she wouldn't kill him (As she brutally beats on him). As "lil Mother *beep* realizes he is finished and they will win, he manages to implement a suicide plan and last ditch doomsday device to insure they die with him. Hit-Girl quickly figures out what is going and tells him while she promised she wouldn't kill him, she didn't make any promises about saving him. So instead of killing "lil Mother *beep* she brutally incapacitates him. Leaving his broken body on the floor unable to preventing him from stopping his bomb from going off. Insuring he killed himself.

She tells the other 3 what is happening and they must fight to escape the bowels of "lil Mother *beep* evil lair before the bomb (or insert any other device of mass destruction) goes off. Just as they escape to freedom, "lil Mother *beep* offers his last words of disdain and hatred as the building blows up. The 4 superhero's climb out from under the ruble, brush each other off and enter some comical ramblings back and forth as they limp off into the distance.

The next day the cops investigate the site of the explosion. Two corrupt cops on sight instantly recognize it was "lil Mother *beep* evil lair. They realize with his death, it is their big chance to become huge crime bosses (subsequently setting things up for another movie). The movie ends with Hit-Girl living with Kick-Ass, in a brotherly/sisterly relationship, because they both realize they need each other to stay balanced and hold onto their humanity.

The End
