Pathetic sequel

What a lame and boring sequel this was. I can understand why Jim Carrey spoke thus. Shoddy writing, plot, directing and acting.

Overall, a poor follow up to part 1 which was excellent.

I rate this 3.5/10


"I can understand why Jim Carrey spoke thus"

Carrey's issue was that the Sandy Hook shooting occurred, so it felt it was inappropriate to endorse the movie. He never publicly criticizes the film as "boring" or "lame."

Still, I agree that this movie lacked the charm of the 1st one.


No he said after Sandy Hook this film was "too violent" and encouraged people not to see it. Odd ill bet he kept the check.....


Agreed. This was a sequel that didn't need to be made. It was awful.



Part 2 was just plain bad. Awfull effects the movie looked really cheap.


I could've written a MUCH better script.


You're probably right.

It wouldn't have been hard.
