I hate CGM.

There, I said it. I hate Chloe Grace Moretz!

I'm NOT a troll, I'm NOT trying to start a flame war. If you all like her, that's okay, even though I will disagree with your opinions, and you can disagree with mine. Here are mine: she's OVERRATED, the movies she appears in are TRASH, her roles are LAUGHABLE, and worst of all, her family lets it happen.

I wish this cutsey, smiley, goody-goody would develop a brain at some point and make BETTER CHOICES!

First, she does Kick-Ass, which is trash in its purest form. A stupid movie based off a stupid comic book series about some loser who wants to be a superhero, and then in comes Chloe, playing a foul-mouthed, murderous little brat... and everybody loved it.
Of course, she does this sequel, where the little anti-hero still gets away with murder.
Then she does the Carrie remake... so she could play a mass murderer again.
Dark Shadows? Dark Places? If I Stay? She likes making crap!


Well, since you're doing the same thread in every board, I think I should use the same response:

Maybe you should try and post this on every movies board related to Chloe... wait, you already doing that, nevermind.
Also since the minute you posted this:

My life sucks. I want a life like Chloe's. She seems to find so much enjoyment in all she does. I'M SERIOUS. I wish my life were more like her's. It's not hatred, it's JEALOUSY. I want to be a happy person with a lot of friends, a prosperous career, a family that will stand behind you NO MATTER WHAT.
I'm NOT saying this to be funny, I'm NOT saying this to troll or whatever, I'm just so astonished at her good fortune. I wish I were Chloe Moretz, then my problems would be few and far between. But, alas, it's not to be. I'll always be ME, a faceless man in a crowd who can't find a decent niche, whose friends desert him and family tells him what he's not good at.

I can't take you seriously, sorry.




I've had just about enough of you. By doing what you're doing, you're only provoking me to keep this up.


One would hope that it would provoke you to find a more fulfilling hobby than 'Pedo Celebrity Stalker'. You are obsessed, human. Switch to a different medication and/or give it a rest. You make my skin crawl.


Wow, what a pathetic loser



I'm not a parent. But if I were, you can bet I wouldn't let my 11-year-old star in a movie like Kick-Ass. Chloe's skank mother let her do it because she's the family's meal ticket.




aw you need attention? i'd give you a big hug if i could sweetheart =D


I love CGI and Avatar.



I love CGI and Avatar.

Good for you.


And you.




But only in a I-wanna-be-her-and-have-her-success-and-life jealous obsessive kind of hate..............just to clarify your position on the matter.


good for you



Good for me, good for you, good for what? good for everybody.





If you seriously posted this:

My life sucks. I want a life like Chloe's. She seems to find so much enjoyment in all she does. I'M SERIOUS. I wish my life were more like her's. It's not hatred, it's JEALOUSY. I want to be a happy person with a lot of friends, a prosperous career, a family that will stand behind you NO MATTER WHAT.
I'm NOT saying this to be funny, I'm NOT saying this to troll or whatever, I'm just so astonished at her good fortune. I wish I were Chloe Moretz, then my problems would be few and far between. But, alas, it's not to be. I'll always be ME, a faceless man in a crowd who can't find a decent niche, whose friends desert him and family tells him what he's not good at.

Then that is seriously a gross reason to hate someone, especially a young woman, and her films. But please, go out to Hollywood if you do not already live there and try to beat her at her own game... maybe get loads of plastic surgery to look like her and go under the name "Cloe Mace Grortez" and then when you become a better actress, tear her down and make her into a forgotten, washed star who has to resort to porn (then the name "Hit Girl" will surely make sense, eh?!) or something to get by while you sweep up accolades.


Why do you exist?
