MovieChat Forums > Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Discussion > 'Mindy Beat Me Like Morning Wood'

'Mindy Beat Me Like Morning Wood'

LMAO, lots of funny lines in this.

"15 will get you 20 Perv".

"Now get the Pliers so I can make him eat his own dick".



I was disgusted all movie along how it seemed like they were having a fall out and it was treated kinda romantically, I damn near barfed in the end when she got turned on my his shirtless body and kissed him. ew. he's clearly way too much older than her and I imagined them to have a brother-sister-like relationship in this one. part of the reason why I was so interested in seeing this sequel was to see if Todd could get Hitgirl as he promised to wait for her. This movie was nothing like I expected. disappointing. Todd actor was changed too. I loved the original.


So a guy in his early 20's making out with a 16-year-old girl is disgusting now? In real life a lot of girls who look like Chloe Moretz would never even consider dating a guy their own age. Other than the brother-sister aspect that isn't weird at all.

The only thing that is ridiculous about this is keeping the older boys as high school students. You can't be a vigilante and a college student?


Yeah. And anyways, she kissed Dave because she wanted her first kiss to be someone who cared about her/she cared for. And that was Dave.

On a side note, what does this quote ("beating morning wood") even mean? Does it have some some sort of innapropriate/sexual undertone?


Morning wood meaning erections in the morning. Beating meaning masturbating.

Mindy beat Dave (punchy beat, not wanky beat) harder than Dave "beats" (masturbates) morning erections.


It's an American expression, I think... "I got wood" = "I have an erection."
Woody, Stiffy, Boner ... they're all basically alluding to the same thing.

Speaking as a male person, though ... sure, you can wake up with wood due to "interesting" dreams, but sometimes morning wood is there because you seriously need a pee. Really urgently.

As any man knows, having wood makes it difficult to pee - and that's because it "closes off the tap," so to speak.

So, morning wood isn't always there because your man is feeling "sexy" - sometimes it's there as a safeguard, to prevent him from peeing himself in his sleep. Do not beat, or otherwise relieve, that wood. It's there for a reason.

How can you tell the difference between those two types of wood? You can't, but your man knows.

And that concludes today's lesson on beating morning wood.


to cappulicious, I also ship Mindy/Todd. I really hope they follow through with them in Kick-Ass 3 (and that it's an infinitely BETTER movie than Kick-Ass 2 was as well!).


Cappulicious had a bit of a misleading comment, though... she wanted to see them together, but was grossed out when they showed romantic feelings towards each other? Anyway, after this film, there's no way they wouldn't be together in an eventual 3rd film.


Ever watch Dave Chapelle? He does this one skit where a similar comment was made.
"I don't need no honey. I'll beat my dick like it owes me money." LMAO

As for the Mindy/Dave pairing, I truly can't see them being with anyone else beside each other. So Dave is a little older than her, so what? Once she hits 18, it won't matter. And Mindy wasn't the 11 year old girl she was in the first movie. She was 15 in this, and Dave was, at most, 18. That's only a 3 year gap. Back when I was in school, there were plenty of seniors dating freshmen, and not always with the guys being the seniors.

As for a Kick-Ass 3, sadly, it's not going to happen. I heard a big part of it was sue to pirating. In any case, based on how the final volume of the comic went, far too much of the 2nd movie ended differently to follow it (a real improvement from the comic's plot too). Kick-Ass 2 had a good ending for the movie series. Unless they decide to reboot it and start over, I feel a 3rd movie would ruin the series.
