Interesting thought...

Of course, we only can see what the writers director let us see. But why must we assume Trinidad is a wanton rogue murderer? I think it possible he was finishing some Columbian business to get even for what happened to his partner.

Doesn't the inspector seem to be on that thread?

"You! Blabbermouth! OUT!--Ralph Cramden


I just posted a similar theory in a different thread. He's definitely a rogue cop in my opinion, but there's definite method in his madness. He has the calculation and efficiency of a man out for revenge, and his ties to the Colombian traffickers are far too deep for coincidence. Not to mention his first class past that took an immediate dive after his time in Colombia.

And when he enters the bar at the beginning, the first thing he says to the girl is, "Colombiana?" Definitely significantly more to this than meets the eye.

"oh mummy, oh daddy - lets all play Kabadi!"


Something did happen in Columbia/special ops that made him prejudice, remember how he called out the lady in the bar at the beginning? It may seem like he was looking for retribution but be really was simply a damn drunk and he wasn't thinking clearly which is why be had tunnel vision and intended to kill the witness and anyone connected to him.


I agree. Killing the Colombian brothel owner was an impulsive act fuelled by his drunkenness, nothing else.
