MovieChat Forums > Creature (2011) Discussion > What did you expect?

What did you expect?

Monster, crazy backwoods family, incest, kids out in the middle of nowhere, spooky old house, gratuitous nudity....what more do you want? 9/10 !


im about to watch the rest of this off netflix. the opening scene was a great start


Wow, it must be nice to be psychic. You knew there was incest, and gratuitous nudity before seeing the film? Obviously it was 'stupid people in the backwoods' movie with hillbillies, but the rest of it? How were normal nonpsychic people supposed to know?


I expected a fun monster movie. It also didn't help that I'd just watched Tucker and Dale right before seeing Creature, which completely blew Creature away in every single regard.

"IMDB: Where Intelligent Film Discussion Goes To Die" - Scott 'The Foywonder' Foy;


what more do you want? 9/10 !

Well, Lesbian sex while topless

The sister to give her brother Oral sex instead of a handjob

Niles to die, & Emily saving Karen, especially if she got her feet cut off, I prefer when the survivors get the most battle damage, or the mutilated have to live in their handcapped state. The two women survive & escape, they were both sisters, in love with a guy who gets killed, they have some things in common. Plus, Karen's family turned on her, & she suffered the worst. Plus, even if they escaped, both should have been raped & impregnated so that, even if they did escape, in 9 months they have to deal the monster babies, & the entire time not knowing if it were a monster rape-baby or their BF's babies.

All three girls, not just Beth, ending up raped, & trapped by the cult, visably pregnant, with their hands & feet chopped off so they cant escape.


All three girls, not just Beth, ending up raped, & trapped by the cult, visably pregnant, with their hands & feet chopped off so they cant escape.

That's a bit much imo but I know what you're saying. Their hands and feet should be strapped and chained hills have eyes 2 style and in position to make babies!

Since they're manufacturing and squeezing out monster babies at free of charge breeding services against their will, at the least let them keep their limbs. XD


only people from incestuous relationships can like this s**t.

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