MovieChat Forums > Unaware (2013) Discussion > Can someone spoil me ?

Can someone spoil me ?

Hi !
I live in France and I can't see the movie. I'd like to buy it etc... but at the moment, I can't. But one day I'll probably will, just to support the guys who made this.

That's why I'm asking if somebody can spoil me a little :3 Do the aliens come on screen a lot of times during the movie ? Is it scary ? Don't hesitate to spoil me the best part :)

Thanks, and sorry for my english, I'm french.


Aliens do not come on screen as much as some people would like, but there was nothing the producers could do about that. According to the editors some of the footage was lost or corrupted during processing. Needless to say, when the aliens arrive, you will probably be needing a change of pants ;)

That's all I will say, honestly I think the trailer spoils some of the fun (not the ending though). But we all know marketing is important and all. It really is a fun movie, nothing too exciting until about halfway through, but after you've seen it you will probably have a million questions! Lots of people are also wanting a sequel, so time will tell if the "answers" come out.


Thank you Spielberg46, much apreciated :) I'm waiting to get a way to watch it, I'd like to support the guys who made these because I've always loved found footage with a " real " ennemy, not something that can't be seen ( the ghost in paranormal activity etc... ), and this one looks pretty fun. if one day it 's released in France i'll buy it without hesitation.
Thanks :)


Do not waste your money on this ....It is total crap!!!


Watched it a long time ago. And got scared *beep* when the aliens came on screen ( the part where the alien is behind the windows, I knew it was coming but *beep* look at this *beep* ).

There is way worse than this, believe me, they tried to make something else than " oh god a ghost is pushing my bed " with no budget and I respect them for that.


Yes you do see the aliens....

but it is laughable not scary. The aliens are quite obvious just guys running around in rubber suits.

The acting is horrendously bad. The chick doesn't even get naked. The guy playing the "FBI" agent is about 100 pounds overweight and not passable as an agent.

Just an extremely poor effort all around.

All I ask for is one proper scary found footage movie other than PA2.


Try 'Alien Abduction'(2014)
