This is NOT real

I wish people would stop making movies and saying they are real footage. You morons this is fake, not real. Get it? They SAY it's real, it's not. Use your damn brain!!!! If you don't then you deserve to have your brains sucked out by aliens. Stop believing everything is true because Hollywood says it is!



No-one believes its real, they say its real to give it a more realistic effect as the film tries to look real. What would be the point in saying this film is fake as advertising? The film wouldnt sell if they said based on fake footage.


Wow no s**t its fake, moron.

These types of movies are HOT now so get used it to it ya angry troll.


Ha troll? Get a life. Is that what you do come on here and troll threads yourself?

peope DO think this movie is real as do people think movies like the "Fourth Kind" and "Blair Witch" are real. They are not real same with "Paranormal Activity." It amazes me people believe this *beep* just because it's in a movie and labeled as true or based on actual events. It's a pain in the ass. People need to think with their brains and not listen to what everyone else says.




I know that this movie is not real and i know the fourth kind and blair witch are not real either,in the Fourth Kind all the footage is fake there is no real Abbie Taylor,that "real" footage they showed was fake. I am sure they label based on true events or whatever just for marketing purposes so that it gets the attention of people,but most of us adults know those movies are not real. I personally have no problem with them labeling based on true events


A lot of people did believe 'Blair Witch' was real at the time. Of course, they were by and large the same people who believe tripe like 'Ghost Hunters' is real, so I suppose that tells you something. <G>

As for 'Blair Witch' itself, the History Channel "mockumentary" made to promote the movie was actually more entertaining than the movie was.


Thank god i saw this post...i barricaded myself in my home with a foil helmet. Guess i can unlock the door now.
