So tired of penis in movies

Im disgusted at the double standard in movies . Always penis never vulva.


The internet disagrees




its not really a double standard, a woman showing her breasts isnt the same as a man showing his chest, so really to get the same effect the only recourse is to show a mans penis.


No breast do not equal a males genitalia


Men only have one real body part that can be objectified so yes a pens can equal breasts.


That's one of the most stupid things I've ever seen on imdb so that is saying something. Perhaps you can find a bf to fulfill your needs and we can have movies without gratuitous male only nudity.


Men only have one real body part that can be objectified so yes a pens can equal breasts.

And men can't help it that we have two "real body parts that can be objectified". One is our genitals and the other is not. The original poster is talking about 'genital' nudity exposure. Breasts are not genitalia.

You can make the argument that showing a woman's chest compared to a man's chest (depending on the man) isn't fair, equal or the same, and most reasonably minded people would agree (in some cases), including myself. But, if you're going to hold that standard when it comes to chest vs chest exposure, don't have a double-standard when comes to comparing non-genital and genital body parts. They are not the same and doing so is a totally unreasonable and unfair argument to make against men.

The only fair "recourse" to showing a woman's chest is to show a man with a sexy tone chest or nice butt (along with our rears -- to be fair).

The ONLY fair "recourse" to showing a man's Penis would be to show a woman's Vulva, period.


You gotta zoom in thought to really show a vagina... So visually you could say that breast equals dicks


You can also visually see a foot and an elbow, but no one (with an ounce of common sense) would say they are the same, nor are they visually the same.

You gotta zoom in thought to really show a vagina...

No, you don't. And actually believing this is just as ignorant as saying it. Every foreign film that has ever shown a Vulva has done so without needing to "zoom in" or use any fancy camera angles.

So, how on Earth did all of those foreign film makers manage to film a Vulva without any special lighting, no zooming in, no fancy camera angles and with all the women standing in perfectly natural positions?


You should google Rosario Dawson nude Trance and see that you don't
Your argument is juvenile at best.
Genitals = Genitals, its as simple as that.

Please read my Bio.


You gotta zoom in thought to really show a vagina... So visually you could say that breast equals dick

They already zoom in to penis when they show it, just like in this film, but you say you can't show a vagina because you'd have to zoom in to see it? Huh? That makes no sense. Heck, in the movie Bruno, they not only zoom in to show penis, the camera actually goes into the urethra. How much more "zoom in" can you get when the camera goes into the urethra? When they are already doing that to penis and you seem fine with it, why are you against it if they have to do the SAME THING to a vagina?

It's also dumb for you to say people should watch porn to see vagina. We are not forced to watch porn to see penis, but we have to watch porn to see vagina? Why are you relegating one anatomy to porn while the other is fine in non-porn films? Have you always been a vaginaphobic pansy your entire lifetime? Maybe you should apply for a job in Hollyweird - they will accept you with flying colors since you like penis and fear vagina exactly as they do.

Also you've exposed just how much you fear vaginas. You used the word "vagina" with the word "dick" in the same sentence. Dick is a slang term, vagina isn't. If you use the word dick, the equivalent would be pussy, not vagina. If you can't use the word pussy for whatever bizarre reason you may have, then don't use the word dick, use penis instead. Your use of the word dick with vagina is not only incorrect, but is the very reason why stupid pet names like "vajayjay" have to be coined because people think vagina is a dirty slang term even though it isn't.


This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read. You compare body parts based on what you feel are "objectified", and men only have 1 part? You must not have seen the two Magic Mike films where women were hooting and hollering at all the male chest and butts shown in those films. Is this not objectification?

I find it funny how in the British film Trance, Rosario Dawson showed her actual shaved vagina up close twice, while the lead actor didn't show his penis but showed every other inch of his body, and women went ballistic, calling it a sexist double standard.

Vagina gets shown and no penis = women call it a sexist double standard.

Penis gets shown and no vagina = women don't see that as an unfair double standard and instead come up with lame excuses and compare boobs to penis even though boobs are not genitals.

Did you fail Sex Ed 101 when we learned boys have a penis, girls have a vagina? Why do women suffer from vaginaphobia?


I keep reading this about the movie but I can´t remeber seeing a penis in it. It must have been very quick.


It was when they were all xeroxing body parts, but the guy couldn't really get up there, so they used the 3D printer instead. So it was a quick blink and you miss it moment.


I saw it and I was only half watching the movie. It was fairly quick but they showed him lifting it up on the glass.


You are exactly right. Lots of us agree. Keep on posting this double standard has to stop!

Please read my Bio.


Go watch Basic Instinct.


Btwash go wash your mangina it stinks of no self respect


@thegame: Wow, women are really huge hypocrites. MGTOW !
So much bs in movies. Men are degraded constantly.


Just trying to help you see some vag.


Alls I know is that I think there should be more peni (I think pen-i) is the plural of penis. Maybe) in movies: real ones, models, you name it, but preferably real ones.

I'd hazard a guess that for every one peen sighting in movies, there have been 50 or more V sightings. The MPAA just automatically slaps a NC17 rating whenever a D makes an appearance. Lot of A-List actresses have done full-frontal; almost no A-List actors.


for every one peen sighting in movies, there have been 50 or more V sightings

This is completely false. I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from, but actual Vulva sightings (exposure) in mainstream Hollywood movies are non-existent, whereas, actual Penis exposure is already very commonplace.

Making a false blanket statement, like the one you just made, doesn't make it true just because you "believe" it is.

I also find it comical that you can say the word Penis (even elaborate on its proper grammatics), but you can't even say Vagina or Vulva, you have to say "V" instead. Vagina and Vulva are not bad, evil or scary words.

I think there should be far more Vulva exposure in movies, because the current disparity ratio of actual Penis to Vulva exposure is easily 100 Penises to 1 Vulva.


Go watch porn if you're that desperate to see a vagina....


No , why should we when every film has a penis in it.

Please read my Bio.


So vagina in a movie makes it porn? Are you kidding??!? What are you, like 10 years old??!? Does your mom know you're using her computer?? Is she hot??


What are you on about? There is full frontal female nudity in lots of films (Wolf of Wall Street comes to mind). And even occasionally vulva (Knocked Up for example).


You are kidding, Wolf of Wall street has all vulva out of sight by camera angle or out of focus.
Knocked up is a 9 year old film which shows a babys head coming out of a plastic vagina.

Come on! There has been no full female nudity apart from foreign to the US films

Please read my Bio.


Its now in Video games. Out last and outlast 2 both have huge penis in your face and worse when you lose its cut off GRAPHICALLY!!!
This is too much. Watchdogs 2 has penis also. HAD VAGINA BUT IT WAS UPDATED AND PROMPTLY REMOVED AFTER WOMEN COMPLAINED . I might as well have no rights being a man.
