MovieChat Forums > Everything's Gonna Be All White (2022) Discussion > Black culture rarely points a finger at...

Black culture rarely points a finger at itself for their problems.

I don't think whites are responsible for more single mother families than any other race. There are a lot of issues inherent to black culture. They should fix those, and they'd probably realize they weren't as oppressed as they thought.


Here's one:

I only saw part of it, but from what I saw, it was a bunch of black people saying that this was a huge issue into he black community.


I've never even heard of this. I'll have to check it out.


It's only an hour so I don't think this was a theatrical doc or anything.


That's the fault of white leftists who have coddled them for decades in effort to maintain the same kind of control they had over them when they owned them as slaves.




They like having those voters in their pockets.


It’s not an accident. And Democrats aren’t there to help.


True. The politicians just want power, there's no mystery there. What I can never figure out is how so many upperclass white people who will be the first to tell you how intelligent and compassionate they are cannot see they are only hurting the black community.


It makes them feel better voting democrat while living opulent lifestyles, but get to tell themselves they were progressive while actually doing nothing to help.




Some white Democrats are responsible for policies that encourage single mother families.


Not to mention a thousand other self-destructive behaviors that harm Black people. Correct.


This must be the weekly MC Klan meeting.

An OP makes a typical anti-black racist slur and fellow racists join in to group bond.


YOU are racist against Black people. Why do you refuse to treat them like adult human beings, and hold them to the same standards that you would OTHER groups of adult human beings?


What are your thoughts about Jews, Asians, LGBTQ, Hispanics, women, Native-Americans and Muslims who are marginalized by white supremacists along with Black people?


Answer the question, racist liar.


LGBT isn't a race lol.

Whites literally created modern civilization, they've done more for all races on this planet.

What have blacks ever done for whites? Let alone any other race.


Both of your comments are completely wrong which proves my point about the need for COMPLETE history to be taught.


You haven't even answered the question from before.

Why do blacks need special treatment & quotas if they are equal/superior?

The fact that these things exist mean leftists actually DON'T think they are capable without outside intervention.


they're treated like adult humans. recognizing racism exists doesnt mean anyone is coddled.

damn people coddling those jews in Germany in the 30s. if only they took personal responsibility and addressed the bad jewish culture and self reflected, they could stop blaming the German government and the leftists in that country who were coddling them


That's a terrible analogy. Jews were targeted for being more successful and wealthy than the general German population.

After the Holocaust ended, Jewish people immediately bounced back and became the most successful and wealthy demographic in almost every country. There was never anything wrong with Jewish culture that needed to be coddled.

On the other hand, the Black Community's disfunctions have grown exponentially since the end of slavery and Jim Crow laws. Explain to me, why Black people were statistically doing better in the 50's, 60's and 70's, if racism is the main cause of their problems today. Is America more racist and discriminatory now than it was in the 50s?


lol yep. they are one comment away from talking about how there a difference between N-ers and N-as. And the thug culture and how iq tests prove there are big differences.


Read this gem from one of MC's racist poster:

"Blacks (Subsaharan Africans) are on a totally different branch than the rest of humanity. . The fist divide of humans was into Africans and non Africans. They are about twice genetically different from Whites than East Asians."

He basically calls Black people subhuman. Lately, he's been posting anti-Semitic comments, too.


you read the word "different" as "subhuman"?

interesting. very interesting.



did you know black guys are generally better at football and basketball than white guys? can you admit DIFFERENCES exist? Like, at all? hahahahaha When multibillion dollar sports profits are on the line, you go with the BEST, not equal colors, not 2nd best or close enough. do some very basic research, dumbass. peoples are not equal. we're different.


Archie Bunker reasoning. You're a dope.


what a well thought out reply to my proposition. I'm stunned at the depth and clarity.
thank you for changing my mind, internet stranger.

hahahahah as if....


I can't fix your stupid.


Nor I yours. Good day. :)


[–] Keelai (18369) 15 hours ago
This must be the weekly MC Klan meeting.

An OP makes a typical anti-black racist slur and fellow racists join in to group bond.
I thought that was really funny. Thanks for the laugh! What has happened to MovieChat?


"This must be the weekly MC Klan meeting"

Weekly? Where have you been? There's always numerous white supremacist circle jerks happening simultaneously on these boards. The stormfags must have put out a memo at some point that white supremacist rhetoric is highly tolerated here so this place has been especially overrun the past 2 years or so.


I stand corrected.


Indeed. This is how they use their "freedom of speech." Grand, ain't it?


Can you point the EXACT slur? And be precise please.


There is at least one white guy you can blame partially for what's wrong in the Black Community: Lyndon B. Johnson. The guy who started a "war on poverty" and got black people on welfare. It was a new type of slavery that they're often not aware that they are complicit with. Who needs chains when you can enslave people with lies and free money?


This is very true. We destroyed the native Americans by doing the same thing.


Stealing land and committing genocide?


Speaking as part-Abenaki, settlers from across the Atlantic didn't "steal" the land. AmerIndians originated FROM ASIA. If simply living somewhere gave them the absolute right to stay in that particular area forever, why did the Lakota Sioux conquer other tribes to acquire "their" land in the Black Hills? Land often went back-and-forth from one tribe to another. So AmerIndians themselves committed this very crime you say settlers from across the Atlantic supposedly committed.

Furthermore, there were no rigid land boundaries and little indication of who supposedly owned what on the continent when Euros arrived in what is today the USA & Canada, not to mention thousands upon thousands of square miles were up for grabs throughout the Americas (that is, land no one was living on or claimed for hunting grounds or whatever).

To put things in perspective, in 1650 there were less than six million AmerIndians in the entire Western Hemisphere, which is the present population of the state of Wisconsin.

Moreover there was no “genocide" in what is today the USA. That’s a widespread Leftist fallacy. There were massacres on both sides but, beyond that, all deaths were the result of war. And, in war, people die. It’s a reality of this brutal planet. Death due to disease is a separate topic. AmerIndians were simply conquered and placed on reservations which are, in essence, their own nations.

In the 300 years of the Indian Wars from the early 1600s to the early 1900s there were 30,000 deaths of AmerIndians. Compare that to the 4-year Civil War where 618,222 soldiers perished. There's simply no comparison and it helps put things in perspective.

AmerIndian survivors should be thankful that their conquerors respectfully didn’t annihilate them -- i.e. commit genocide -- but rather blessed them with much land to live on with generous assistance to this day. Currently, there are 326 Reservations consisting of 87,800 square miles of land, which is roughly equal to the combined areas of Ohio & Pennsylvania. There are 24 million people now living in these two states whereas the current population of AmerIndians is 2.9 million living in the same land space. In other words, AmerIndians already have more than enough land to live on and enjoy as their own nations within a nation. Furthermore, they're free to leave the Reservation and live wherever they want, as many have done and do.


In other words: Native-Americans should be happy that Europeans stole their land and committed genocide against them.

Justifying evil.


You have to be a plant. No one is this brain dead.


He is :D


Wuchak, you are right, but you are too well-informed for the room.


And the native Americans destroyed each other through outright violence. So we're all even.


I meant modern day Native Americans. I wasn't defending their historical and brutal savagery. But, when we brought them into modern civilization, we started handing them just enough money to have a crappy trailer and get drunk. We definitely didn't help them.


Ok, I see what you mean. In some ways, they're no better than blacks or hispanics on welfare.


No reason for you to single out black people when most on welfare are white.


White people are about 65% of the US population, and about 12% of people on welfare in the US are White.

Black people are about 13% of the US population, and about 50% of people on welfare in the US are Black.

Hispanic people are about 19% of the US population, and about 36% of people on welfare in the US are Hispanic.

So yes, there's plenty of reason, statistically, to acknowledge and examine the ridiculously disproportionate dependency on welfare in the Black Community. How are things ever going to change if liberal shitheads like you keep trying to pretend there's no problem?


White people didn't pay black people for 300 years of labor which explains black poverty and white wealth. Rich white plantation owners fought a civil war in order to maintain their rich lifestyle and exploitation of black people.

Furthermore, 100 years of Jim Crow gave white people unfair advantages in education and careers which were legally denied to black people based solely on skin color.

White racism is the problem!

"How decades of US welfare policies lifted up the white middle class and largely excluded Black Americans"


Ok, now just think logically about this for a second.

If Black people's problems today, in 2022, are mainly caused by Slavery, Jim Crow laws, and white racism, wouldn't it stand to reason that the further away we get from those things, the better off Black people should be?

In the last hundred years, we have ended slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, created the Welfare State which disproportionately benefits Black people above all others, and created Affirmative Action programs which racially discriminate against people who AREN'T Black, in favor of Black people.

And even after all that, Black people's problems as a community have only gotten worse, and continue to get worse exponentially since the 60s and 70s.

Explain that. Why would Black people be better off statistically in the 60s than they are today if Slavery and Jim Crow is the main cause of their problems? Is America more racist and discriminatory against Black people today than it was in the 60s and 70s? No, obviously.

Is it possible, logically, that since the 70s and 80s, a very unhealthy and cancerous culture of crime glorification, victimization, single parenthood and dependence on government handouts has caused most of the current problems in the Black Community? Is it possible that maybe inner city Black culture has become its own worst enemy?


Nope. Instead of fabricating nonsense, why don't you open up books about racism and read them. I've been studying racism by reading many books for the past two years and have learned a great deal. I suggest you do the same.


Lol, ok. So your response is to not actually address anything in my post, or to refute it in any way with the extensive knowledge you've gained from reading "many books."

Your response is to just call everything I said "nonsense," with no explanation or examination, and then suggest that I read the same amazing "many books, "with no titles.

Hell of an argument you've made there.

Readers will draw their own conclusions here.


You're stereotyping. Your racism speaks for itself.


Okie doke.




Put 100% blacks in any neighborhood, it'll eventually become a ghetto. No wonder the police don't trust them.


Unfortunately, that's probably true. It has nothing to do with genes or skin color, but they definitely need to encourage accountability and respect for others and themselves within much of black culture.


Yet they keep voting Democrat, so they have no one to blame but themselves. Black females must keep their legs closes too.


They reap financial and social benefits from Dems, who have convinced them they're oppressed, despite any real evidence to support that.




White American: 62.6% (57.9% Non-Hispanic Whites) African American: 15.6% Native American: 5.3% Asian American: 2.3% (0.5% Indian, 0.4% Vietnamese, 0.3% Chinese, 0.2% Hmong, 0.2% Korean, 0.2% Burmese)



Nope. Tulsa was a thriving well-to-do black neighborhood until whites massacred them and burnt it down. Envy.


Nope, Tulsa was not. Only Greenwood District was black.

I don't know if it was envy but most likely not. All started for different reasons. Was it racism involved? Sure. But not in the way you are implying.

Here the timeline:


It's envy. Historically, racists white people become violent, kill and destroy when a marginalized group achieves anything. Then, the same racists complain that the marginalized group doesn't achieve.

White mob violence against individuals and entire communities is very common in American history..

Furthermore, the terrorism of the KKK, lynchings, sundown towns and legalized discrimination of the Jim Crow laws were racist whites holding black people down. When racists get out of the way, black people achieve.

300 years of work with no pay = poverty.
100 years of Jim Crow laws denying college and high-paying careers = poverty.

Instead of focusing on black people, you should ask why have white people been so afraid of black competition?

I'd tell you to read a history book, but your cult is banning them in schools because American history, aka: the truth, makes you feel guilty and upset.


I gave you the historical evidence. It was not envy. Plus the whole thing started when armed blacks went to the courtroom and shot (accidentally or not) a white guy.

I know, you like to project a lot, omit facts and dream reasons.

Instead of focusing on white people you should ask why is there such a high crime rate in the black population and why 75% of the black children grow fatherless NOW (with all the resultón problems).

I know more history than you kid, I actually just gave you a history lesson in the previous post, that you obviously ignored …

And if I were you I wouldn’t talk about history anymore since you failed so hard with the “meroitic writings are older…”


It started when a white woman lied about a black teen.

Of course, you would justify a racist white mob slaughtering hundreds of innocent black people and destroying their city. Complain about how these wealthy black people didn't have anything after your racist pals destroyed everything.


Good, so it wasn’t envy but some chick lying about being raped.

It’s not justifying, I’m just presenting the historical facts, I don’t lie or project like you do.

It’s good that you learn from my posts, I’m happy that I’m educating you …


You're envious too.


I have no reasons to be envious. And for sure not on some ghetto bro.

Even my dick is big enough!!!


You have dick envy, too? Too much information, Small Fry.


Learn to read :D

You need it!!!!


You brought up your small fry, Small Fry.


Learn to read :D

You need it!!!!

PS: I said that it's big, not small. I bet that 9" is BIGGER than yours :P


You sound insecure, Small Fry.


You sound like you're projecting.

And since you are so much obsessing about it, guess what!!!


I wrote about white people being envious of black success and you mentioned your penis size.

What would Freud say about you, Small Fry?


I don't know, but I wonder what he would say about your obsession :D


