MovieChat Forums > Beyond Skyline (2017) Discussion > A sequel wouldn't make any sense

A sequel wouldn't make any sense

I decided to watch it today despite the reviews, as I'm someone who can make up his own mind.

I had low expectations, but I liked it for what it was, a survival movie. It was unique in alot of ways, it has its flaws like all movies; I can't see myself watching it over n over... but I can't say I hated it. In my opinion, it was about time they made a movie where the aliens actually win. On that note, how...can they really make a sequel? It's quite clear most of humanity got abducted and the military forces wiped out. The aircraft carrier battle group (fleet of ships off the coast) was even taken out. The humans....lost. I mean, lol.

Okay, and I get it, so Jerrod maintained his consciousness/identity and beat up 2-3 aliens on one of the motherships. The alien forces took losses on the ground, but still had the upper-hand. The thousands/millions of humans taken up became thousands/millions of reinforcements. Jerrod is on a ship and hopelessly outnumbered that a nuke couldn't even clear out. (btw...looking at a nuclear blast through a telescope should have blinded the guy)

It wasn't that bad of a movie unless you were expecting independence day. Similar to cloverfield, war of the worlds and in some ways battle: la...the plot was simply survival, and what we see and understand of the bigger picture is limited to what the characters experience. The only difference being that the enemy wins. Without some 'virus' of some kind that magically kills all the aliens like in all of the other movies...

I am failing to see how the humans could possibly make a come-back, and therefore, a sequel.


For one thing, what happened to Balfour's character cannot be totally unique. What really made a difference if I get it right, is that he got exposed to the lurelight several times, but never long enough to be totally taken away. That had somehow altered his brain's biochemistry, making his conscious mind take control of his drone body. Others will have the same kind of fate. Think of soldiers: any of them exposed to the lure on at least a couple occasions will be just like our guy. That could make for a nice "inside resistance".
In the same vein, these things are biomechanical. There's got to be a way to interface with them and confuse them, etc... it's doubtful all of mankind will live happy ever after, but we don't actually know that the entire world was taken: the city where the original survivors in Skyline were was cut off the rest of the world, tv networks off etc. So, how do we know? So far the battle was entirely on american ground.

Bottom line: they do have a few angles they can work on. And nothing cn be worse than the virus upload in Independance Day. I mean, come on. Attacking an alien mothership with a Mac?


In the movie Jarrod was shown to be an extra skilful computer programmer and why he was there along with the job offer. It seems much more likely that when his brain was inserted that he used his skills, along his anger, and desire to save pregnant Elaine, to hack the drone and take control.

This seems a lot more likely than lurelight exposure which is more like a mental poison. Had lurelight been a problem to their harvesting plans then they would have weeded it out long ago.

Yes there would be others who could have done the same.


A sequel is definitely possible for this film. It's quite obvious that the whole planet has not been take yet. They saw that the nukes didn't work (just like in Independence Day, so they would have to come up with a better plan. I just don't see this battle as being over. I would love to see a sequel.

Movies I've Seen In 2013

Hansel & Gretel: WH
The Last Stand
G.I. Joe: R
Oz: TGaP


He was an artist, wasn't he? Didn't Turk say he'd made the art that was on the walls?


But the world's greatest hacker from the 1980s wouldn't stand a chance if he was suddenly set down in front of a computer today 2015, and Skyline-tech is probably more in line with 2215-tech.

Jarrod got stronger throughout the movie, so it's probably more accurate to think of it as an element that works as a... conduit (?). It is a lure, but it is also an essential part of what makes the aliens/Skyline able to incorporate humans into themselves. And this part enhances the human as a necessity.

To make use of a human, they need to make him stronger. Which is fine, because the process of taking them and enhancing them is one and the same. But in the case of Jarrod, it didn't go as smoothly and when he was finally made part of the hive-mind (I guess, since humans become Skyline-drones), it had taken too long, and his body had assimilated with the light. Like how bacteria can be immune to antibiotics.

Skyline's biggest strength is also their biggest weakness.


The fact that the military was able to mount an attack means that the aliens are not in total control. Yes the attack failed, but we only saw major cities that were empty/destroyed. I could see a sequel where Jarrod escapes the ship and gets studied by what is left of the US military. A weapon is created from Jarrod and we win. Rather cookie cutter, but it is Hollywood :D.


Perhaps it's a prequel...


The battle wasn't completely on American ground. In the montage towards the end two of the cities depicted were Sidney and London, leading one to believe that the totality of the invasion and abductions were worldwide.


No, it's a sequel. The battle wasn't completely over when Jarrod and Elaine were taken. We don't know how many other humans were in control of their alien bodies. A sequel is definitely possible. I'm not sure if this will make it to theaters though or go directly to Blu-Ray/DVD. We'll see what happens.


Movies Seen Recently In 2015
Avengers: AoU
Mad Max
Jurrassic World


Agree on the Mac thing. Probably an OS conflict. Rumor is the alien OS was Ballmer's first shot at OS design and release. Figures a Mac could scoot past his lame security. MS didn't learn.

Realistically, you could see what would happen if a monopolistic approach to software was to prevail in the market. MS didn't care about a high rejection of customer satisfaction in both vista and win8. They just picked the results they wanted and ignored the rest with the standard "we'll fix it in sp1" excuse.
