muslims believe in god

True they call it Allah, but its the same dude with different name. The chemicals created and excreted caused by the belief in these high powers should be the same


Allah isn't part of Scandinavian folklore, hence it was no way Hans could have known how the trolls would react to muslims.

In Cod we trust.


They also believe in Christ, but see him as a prophet, rather than the Son of God, so they're not Christians.🐭


Jews,Christians and Muslims are all Abrahamic religions meaning it is the same God they all three believe in going by the name Jehovah, God and Allah respectively. But you are correct that while all 3 believe Jesus lived only Christians see him as a Messaiah. Which differences them from the other two in the troll's sense of who to kill.

(Abraham is the "father" ofthese three religions through Isiah for the Jews and Christians and Ishmael for the Muslims. Ishmael was born of Hagar, Sarah's handmaiden and in his birth showed Sarah's loss of faith in God's promise to Abraham that his family would number "as the grains of sand". Because Sara, Abraham's wife, became jealous of Ishmael and his mum they cast out into the wilderness to survive on her on. Thus beginning of the "hard feelings" between Sara's offspring and Hagar. Now you've had your Sunday school lesson for the week and may sleep in.)


Sorry for spelling and other mistakes. New keyboard.


Sorry for spelling and other mistakes. New keyboard.
No problem. Older keyboards spell better. :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


You treat this way too complicated. Canon in this film is Scandinavian folklore, which had two options, Christians and pagans. So it's no way Hans could have known which category the trolls would put a Muslim.

In Cod we trust.


True they call it Allah, but its the same dude with different name. The chemicals created and excreted caused by the belief in these high powers should be the same.
This was a movie, with its own goofy made up rules. You didn't understand that?


This particular rule, however, is from folklore. Trolls, in Norwegian folklore, can smell Christians by their blood. This is found at least in one fairy tale, "The Three Princesses in the Mountain in the Blue", where at one point the troll utters the following phrase:

"Fie, fie! Here is the smell of Christian blood and bones!"


@ fallen_pilars
"its the same dude with different name"

You have about 20 major religions, hundreds of large religions, and many thousands of smaller ones. On top of that, the major ones are all split into various sects and denominations--eg I recall one reasonable claim that there are about 30,000 Christian variations.

It seems a long stretch to imagine that all these variations all lead to "the same dude"--if so, why have variation? Even within major faiths, you then have the question of which version of their holy book do they follow--eg there have been hundreds of different English bibles, it's been translated into hundreds of other languages, so who knows how many tens of thousands of different bibles have seen the light of day.

Even if you could settle on one particular holy book version--eg the King James bible is popular in English, despite different parts of it coming from Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and Latin earlier versions--which version of the version do you use? Yeah. One of the originals, or the majorly reedited version of it 150 years later that also dropped a bunch of books which were in the originals, which became popular purely thru the fluke of coinciding with the availability of mass print.

Since religions use their holy books as a main conveyor of their god to their followers, I can't see how there can be anything but major and many 'dude' differences, even within one faith group like the 30,000 Christian varieties.

Then there's the issue that god is a very significantly different being, even within one faith group like Christianity. Eg look at the role Mary plays. Mainstream Catholicism and many of the eastern Christian varieties regard her as the mother of god or similar exalted status, whereas many Protestant varieties don't pay her much heed at all.

Islam is similar to Protestantism with regard to downplaying a 'part of god' which is fundamental to many others--ie the role of Jesus. Interestingly, Islam may have a higher opinion of Mary's stature than Protestantism--she gets significant coverage in the Koran, more so than in the bible.

Anyway, enough, none of this is relevant to the movie. My view is it must be difficult to find two believers on the same street with a similar concept of god, never mind peoples from a different city, tribe or nation.


It seems a long stretch to imagine that all these variations all lead to "the same dude"--if so, why have variation?

The OP is quite clear that they are specifically referring to Christianity and Islam.

"All true knowledge has a price." -Isawa Tadaka


Muslims only believe in the power of C4


Yes, right up your prejudiced a$$. :)

"If you're going to shoot, shoot. Don't talk." Tuco R. I. P


Also, you have hundreds of variations of coffee. And while they are all coffee, they do not all smell the same.
