MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > Trollhunter is an allegory

Trollhunter is an allegory

I wrote a short essay on Trollhunter.

The film can be interpreted as an allegory for three aspects of human nature: reason, courage, and intolerance.

If you would like to read it, here is the link:

I am open to any constructive feedback.


Two things. Society is not hostile towards Christianity and Hans was not a Christian.


Thank you for reading my post. Where do you think Hans got the Christian man's blood?


From the Troll Security Agency.

For the heart life is simple. It beats as long as it can.


Is there any direct evidence for that in the film?


Indirectly. TSA, impersonated by Finn, was on the spot, which (like all "troll spots") appeared to be a rather remote. So TSA wouldn't be able to appear just like that without an early warning, indicating they were part of the operation.

For the heart life is simple. It beats as long as it can.


I see it differently, although I agree that it works well as an allegory, like all fairy tales and myths.

Thomas and crew are the scientists, investigating, observing and documenting.
The trolls represent everything we're afraid of, 'the sum of all fears', if you like.
Hans is the protecting warrior.
Halle is the outsider or different one, afraid of persecution or ridicule if his true nature becomes known.
Finn is the shaman or chieftain, controlling the 'truth' in line with his needs to control his society.
The bear hunters are the military, unquestioningly following the directives from on high.

All archetypes thru history.


Thanks for reading my essay.

On Thomas and Hans, we have the same interpretation. For me the trolls represent intolerance and hatred.

Although I didn't put it in my essay, they are also a symbol for radical Islamic terrorism because of their hatred of Christians and Christianity.

The second cameraman (I forget her name) represents moderate Islam.
