From AMERICA with Love

I loved the film.

I needed something different from the usual offerings of my Amazon Prime account and came across this nug of awesome.

I read that some American Film Company bought rights to remake this. I know what America wants.
I'm 'Murican. Here's my remake-

Original: The main character has "rabies"

Remake: He is infected with the "T-Gene" *T stands for what?

The bite mark on his neck is not just the start of his transformation into a troll; but also the start of his next growing head out of the side of his neck. *(possible his camera assistant's head that was previously killed by the troll that ate him)*

You would say,

A troll has to be x amount old before they can grow an extra head
and i would say -
in my remake it would be explained that when someone gets the T-Gene it accelerates rapidly making them age/grow taller/uglier/stronger/dumber.

Also it's mentioned that the multiple heads are for "flair" to scare other trolls and attract mates. This means i want some Troll boning in my American movie.

Since we're gonna Sex It Up USA style... When our main dude has the T Gene working his system, he needs to bone his sound girl assistant. At the end of the movie when he's killed we'll find out she's preggers and that's our sequel. It's called job security folks.

If it's gonna be done, it's going to be done right.

I vote me to do the damn thang!

Who's with me?




Ah yes, Transformers meets Jurassic Park. Go for it, we need our summer blockbusters.
