MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > Maybe it's a British thing...

Maybe it's a British thing...

... and I know it is kind of juvenile, but I did laugh quite a lot at the word 'Tosserlad'. The reason for that is what 'Tosser' means in British (maybe just English) slang.

Your mother darns socks in hell


You mean "tusseladd".....doesn't sound like "tosserlad" in my ears ;)

Tusseladd means munchkin or gnome or something I think.....


It may not sound it but the subs used "tosserlad" and "rimetosser", which is possibly even worse:-)

I'm British too and those names did cause a couple of raised eyebrows.

"Don't listen to a word I say; The screams all sound the same"


In Norse mythology a "Tusseladd" is the male equivalence of the Hulder (Wood Nymph), while the "wikipedia translation" of Rimtusse is Rhrimturs("rime thurs") a description of a tribe of "Jotner" (Giants) from the Norse Creation Mythology who are made of ice and inhabit Niflheim, a land of eternal cold. They are known to be able to freeze prey/people.

So, all in all a bit shallow translation in the subtexts..


I think the problem was they didn't translate the concept in the subtitles, they just anglicised the pronunciation and left it at that. We were Googling the various names while watching the dvd, thank Bob for smartphones.

"Don't listen to a word I say; The screams all sound the same"



I think it was just you bro.


Nope. *beep* here too. (British!)


British here, snigger was had,

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.


I'm Scottish and my sons (and their Dad) were sniggering at that too. I do really love this movie, Otto Jespersen (Hans) is hilarious.
