Absolutely hilarious!

Too many people are concentrating on the fact that this isn't in English or that the production quality isn't that of Avatar. Sheesh folks, expand your mind a little!

This film was hilarious. From the way the trolls looked and what they reacted to to the hilarious things that were said that a lot of people may have missed because they actually had to read the translation, which is impossible for some people because they are too stupid to watch a film and read subtitles (referring to idiots, not non-native speakers of English).

If you look through the comments on the boards here, it's plainly obvious that the more intelligent people actually found the film quite amusing, whereas the less intelligent people just "didn't get it" or couldn't follow it and need an English language remake (again, referring to idiots, not non-native speakers of English).

With the exception of a few films, most remakes of great foreign films turn out terribly.

Just watch the film for what it is. It's humorous and enjoyable.

Everyone else can just turn the channel back to Honey Boo Boo, a show about morbidly obese parents and children which is a favorite of people who can't tie their shoes without picture instructions.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


I enjoyed it no matter what the right wing *beep* are saying!!!!!



It is quite possible that you hit the nail squarely on the head. LOL.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


I'm trying to think of American remakes of Euro films which worked. "Just Visiting" was awful!

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


I agree! I thought this film was hilarious and I enjoyed it immensely.


There's a lot of trolling going on in this thread....


I'm Christian, and I thought this movie was funny as hell!



You're a Christian and you find hell funny? LMAO, just kidding.

I'm glad that you liked it, but make sure that, being a Christian, if you travel to Norway you stay in populated areas. Otherwise, you might find yourself trapped in a cave by flatulent trolls with phallic noses.

Just remembering the film makes me laugh.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


If you look through the comments on the boards here, it's plainly obvious that the more intelligent people actually found the film quite amusing, whereas the less intelligent people just "didn't get it" or couldn't follow it and need an English language remake (again, referring to idiots, not non-native speakers of English).

God, I hate film snobs (idiots) like you. I'm smart, I watched it both ways, and I have to tell you that the film didn't spring into a "hilarious" (your word) work when I read the translation. And it wasn't on the level of Honey Boo Boo when I listened to the English."

One more thing. I thought your signature, "If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down" was funny when I first heard it in sixth grade. But it bores the carp out of intelligent adults--especially after the 20th time you make them read it. Are you really so brain dead that you think it's funny the second dozenth time you read it??


Very good. Go rest your head now.

"Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too."


Respond to my comment in an intelligent way, Gabe. If you can.


Liked it alot. OP nailed why many just didn't get it or were too offended to pay attention.
